
LG launches industry’s first compact VRF solution using r32 refrigerant

LG Electronics has launched a compact variable refrigerant flow (VRF) solution using R32 refrigerant, the Multi V S, marking the first in the industry.

With its key characteristics of environment-friendliness and compact size, Multi V S nevertheless posts high efficiency.

Choosing an air conditioner, the efficiency, load, design, etc. are all factors that one cannot overlook; but firstly, it has to fit. As being experienced from the pain points of major contractors and installers in and around the globe, as more and more VRF solutions, are being used even in relatively smaller buildings, finding a product that allows flexibility in terms of installation is the key.

Especially for residential buildings, condominiums, and small offices where any small space to use is precious, space for the unsightly variable refrigerant flow (VRF) solution will be something you would not be able to spare.

The volume only at around 0.26m3, the dimensions are 834 x 330 x 950 (height x depth x width), much smaller than that of existing VRFs among the same class. This was made possible with the newly adapted single-fan structure, with not only the volume but the weight, was also reduced by around 23%.

As an outdoor unit, VRFs are usually placed at the outdoor balcony or spaces should have been spared for the placement. Now, with the reduction in size, installers and building consultants have greater flexibility starting from the building designing to installation stage. Also, considering the striking difference in the height of the product, Multi V S can easily be camouflaged from external view as it is about the height of the balcony railings, posting better external view.

Though the structure has been changed from double to single-fan, the efficiency of Multi V S is even higher than most existing 4-6HP VRFs due to the use of R32 refrigerants and the R1 compressor.

As a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, the GWP of R32 is around 675, compared to 2,088 of the most widely used R410A. With the industry’s regulation on f-gas emission becoming tighter and tighter, R410A-applied products will need to be phased out by no longer than 2025 as compared to R32 refrigerant-applied products.

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