
Insecurity: IPOB floats regional security outfit to defend Biafra land

From Steve Oko, Umuahia

Worried by the worsening insecurity across Nigeria especially the south eastern part of the country, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), has announced the setting up of a regional security outfit known as Eastern Security Network to defend communities in the defunct Eastern region against terrorists.

Kanu who announced the formation of the outfit during a well promoted live broadcast on Radio Biafra, Saturday night, said the outfit was a mere vigilante group like Amotekun in the South West and the Miyetti Allah security outfit.

He said that the Eastern Security Network should not be misconstrued as Biafran Army, explaining that the outfit is only a mere vigilante group.

Kanu further explained that the formation of the outfit was due to the failure of South East and South South governors to float a regional security outfit unlike their counterparts in the South West.

“Eastern Security Network is not Biafran Army; the purpose is to defend Biafra land against terrorists. Governors in Biafra land have failed us.”

He expressed shock that despite the worsening insecurity in the region particularly the threat by killer herdsmen, governors in the region were not courageous enough to inaugurate a regional security body to defend the people against terrorists.

Kanu said the people of the region would no longer helplessly watch the killing and raping of their mothers and daughters by terrorists while the governors take no action.

He said that henceforth, any attempt by anybody to kill innocent Biafran would be avenged with equal force.

“We will no longer allow the carnages going on in our land, killing of our people by criminals. Terrorists are no longer permitted to roam our forests and farm lands to rape our mothers and destroy our crops.

“This outfit will bring to an end years of killer herdsmen terrorism in Biafra land. Years of torment have come to an end.

“There will be no more extra judicial killings in Biafra land because anyone who authorises such barbarity will be held accountable.”

Kanu who said efforts would be made to give the security outfit a legislative backing in the days ahead, warned governors from the region against conniving with the federal government to sabotage the outfit.

He bluntly declared that any governor found to be conniving with the federal government to undermine the ESN, would be personally held accountable.

Kanu also warned the security agencies against coming after members of ESN, vowing that any attack against them will be regretted.

“I repeat, the Eastern Security Network is not Biafran Army but a mere vigilante group like Amotekun and the one set up by Miyatti Allah.

He said Biafra would not be declared unilaterally but would come through a referendum.

Kanu in the 45 – minute broadcast expressed his condolences over the victims of Borno massacre, arguing that it was such barbarity that informed the floating of the ESN.

He said the security outfit would protect the people from Kogi down to the Atlantic occean against invaders.

Later in a press statement, IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, warned security agents to restrain from any confrontation with the outfit as “it’s not after security agents but terrorists”.

According to the statement, “IPOB is not floating a Biafran Army but a mere vigilante group that will defend Biafran land against terrorists rampaging our land”.

The statement said the ESN will protect every resident of Biafra including law abiding security operatives.

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