
UN “strongly” condemns coup in Guinea, citizens jubilate in capital, Conakry

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has condemned Sunday’s coup d’etat in Guinea in which the country’s military ousted 83-year old dictator, President Alpha Conte.

The UN scribe called for the immediate release of President Alpha Conte who has been placed under house arrest by the coupists.

The tweet by Guterres reads: “I am personally following the situation in Guinea very closely.

“I strongly condemn any takeover of the government by force of the gun and call for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde.”

Nigeria’s former Senator and human rights activist, Shehu Sani, said in his own tweet: “What has happened in Guinea Conakry is simply a military coup. President Alpha Conde recently tempered with the constitution that enabled him to contest for the third term and the parliament increased his earnings. Military rule refused to be obsolete in West Africa.”

Meanwhile, jubilation erupted in Guinea’s capital Conakry after the military confirmed it has ousted Alpha Conde.

Celebrating citizens rode on motor vehicles waving the country national flag and singing songs of solidarity as they drove all around the city.

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