
2023 campaigns end with much blood shed in Enugu

From Maurice Okafor,Enugu.

Barely a day to the 2023 Presidential and National assembly elections holding on Saturday,February 25,the atmosphere hovering around the political circle in the state has turned gloomy,aftermath of killings and attacks on candidates and their convoys by yet to be indentified gun men. Tears and sorrows are the common mood in such homes.

The gruesome murder of the Enugu East senatorial candidate of Labour party,Elder Barr.Oyibo one death too many to his family, the Labour party  both in Enugu state and the National level,and jurists in Enugu state.

The late Barr.Oyibo Chukwu was reportedly murdered along with his driver very close to Eke Otu, a popularly daily market in Enugu South local government area.on Wednesday night, February 22,on the way back to his house after campaigns of the day.

It was gathered that the assailants went further to set him ablaze within his car after killing him with gun shots.

The murder of Barr Chukwu is by yet to be identified gun is currently generating tension and controversy in the state.The jurists of the law proffesion alleged it is an act of political assanitation.They are crying for justice.

To press home their demand, the members of the Nigerian Bar Association(NBA),Enugu state chapter yesterday(Thursday) gave the security agencies 48hrs to arrest the suspects.

NBA went further to boycot the discharge of their noble duties in the society yesterday. They ordered for the closure of the five branches of the courts in the state today.

A source who don’t want to be mentioned in print said he monitored the boycott and it  was total compliance. Checks revealed that the late Barr Oyibo Chukwu while he lived was the chairman of NBA Enugu state chapter,at a point during his active service.

The presidential candidate of Labour party,Mr Peter Obi described the murder of the Enugu East senatorial district as a huge schock. The party leadership in Enugu state alleges,it was plotted by the opposition.

The blood shed and attacks targeted at candidates and their convoys few days to the election had also affected the PDP and APC in different circumstances and locations. It was reported that the PDP campaign vehicles belonging to one the candidates was attacked within TopLand vicinity,also in Enugu South council area,yesterday. just as the APC governorship candidate in Enugu state,Chief Uche Nnaji was reported to have said he escaped death by yet to be identified gun men killed two members of his campaign team and vehicles destroyed.

The ugly killings and attacks in Enugu state which started few days to the election has received condemnations with passion for human life,from people cut across classes in the state.

A former Enugu state civilian governor cum senator representing Enugu East senatorial district, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani,while condeming the killings tasked security agencies not to leave any stone unturned in arresting the pepertrators of the heinous crimes and those behind them,so they will face the wrath of their deadly actions.

He equally tasked  the security agencies to do every thing within their capability to overun the threat by separatist groups that there will be no election in the South East zone of the country.

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