
Gliding Humanity


Our world, the world of Humanity seems to be gliding like a lead balloon when comes to probity, fairness, sympathy, empathy. In fact, it’s deficient in all kinds of virtues.

You make your world, build a castle on bubbles, someone comes from nowhere lets out a heat and bursts the bubbles for you, and disappears. That’s the world we live in, a world where conscience is numbed to ice coldness. A world where survival is for the fittest, whether by crook or by hook, or by outsmarting others, defrauding others, tricking others, cheating others, stabbing others in the back, sabotaging others, seducing others, playing others false, trafficking others, using others as cat paws, fighting other, hating others, ravishing others, using others for rituals, sacrificing others, throwing others under the bus, mutilating others, stepping on others, or even killing others – to get what they want and get to where they are going to.

There are spurious sensations, impressions, expressions, promises, assurances, inter alia that good hearted people often take on face value by virtue of trust and/or benefit of doubt, only to eventually rue them because the events become deleterious to them. Yes, that’s the world we live in.

Haplessly, the causes of their predicaments stay aloof in concerning themselves with whatever circumstances they have circumscribed their victims. Pah, what a shame!

O’ humanity, where’s your conscience? Where are your feelings? Where are your emotions of sympathy, empathy, pity, love, inter alia?

Let’s be awaken to these facts of life that will willy-nilly impose themselves in the nick of time in the processing processes of the events of life: These will willy-nilly come in different ways, different shapes, different forms, different colors, different heights, different sizes, weights, different…

Indeed, they don’t vanish into thin air, they are somewhere in the atmosphere, gyrating and indulging in a waiting game, biding their time to descend on those they will descend on at the appropriate times, at the appropriate events, at the appropriate places – to answer the purpose for which they sustain extant they must.

In the aphoristic voice of my father, the tree withers not when it’s cut down. The concatenations of those undesirable doings and/or renditions will descend when they will – if not on the doers, then, on their seminal seeds; if not enforced by the natural law of justice, then, the Divine; if not now, then, certainly later.

Hence, O’ Humanity, tread on eggshells as you ignite the combustion of your conscience in whatever you do or not do. Let’s call back memories of our ancient moral loadstar when life seemed like you-before-me mental disposition.

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