
Breaking: Arewa Group hails Kaduna Gov’s unbeatable school feeding

A group under the auspices of Arewa Educational Advancement Forum has commended Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State for running what it described as “unbeatable boarding school feeding programme” in the region.

Chairman of the Forum Hajiya Rabi Haroun made the group’s verdict known in Kaduna at their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

She explained that the group’s independent findings have confirmed that Kaduna State is currently feeding about 25,000 students in 51 boarding schools across the 23 local governments.

“This programme involves serving three square meals daily, amounting to a significant 20 million meals annually, with a projected expenditure of approximately N3.5 billion each year”, she further explained.

The Forum expressed confidence in the ability of the governor to “make a big difference with such a very transparent school feeding programme, effectively supervised by hardworking, competent aides”.

It would be recalled that Governor Uba Sani ensured that the State’s education sector got the lion share of the 2024 budgetary allocations.

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