
Fems In Tech is a movement that supports female leaders in fintech business, and finance – Shilenge Thembi

Shilenge Thembi Portia is a South African trailblazer who is making a significant impact on the lives of people. As the CEO of Crypto Dimensions, she teaches people how to trade and invest in cryptocurrencies.

Her vision goes beyond personal gain as she is passionate about financial inclusion, especially for women. She founded Fems In Tech, a movement that supports female leaders in fintech, business, and finance, and actively works to develop inclusive financial products and promote diversity within the industry.

Shilenge Thembi’s commitment to helping others extends beyond finance. She led Fems In Tech members on a heartwarming visit to a clinic and school for disabled children on Children’s Day, providing meals and support. She is also dedicated to being a positive role model for young people and believes in the importance of teaching financial literacy from a young age.

Despite her humble beginnings in a small South African village, Shilenge Thembi has achieved great success, graduating with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Tshwane University of Technology. She returned to her alma mater in 2023 and generously donated 50,000 sanitary pads to five schools, ensuring that girls wouldn’t miss out on their education.

Shilenge Thembi Portia is a true trailblazer who is making a lasting impact on Africa’s future through cryptocurrency, mentorship, and philanthropy.

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