
Alaigbo Development Foundation’s 10th anniversary to hold in Umuahia

From Maurice Okafor, Enugu

The 10th anniversary celebration of the Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF), a socio-cultural group with a focus on the development of the Igbo nation, is scheduled to take place from Friday, July 12, to Saturday, July 13, at Umuahia, the Abia state capital.

A press statement that emanated from ADF headquarters in Enugu, signed by the secretary of the publicity committee, Mazi Oluchi Ibe, disclosed that the event will be specially hosted at the prestigious Abia State Conference Center in Umuahia.

According to him, Governor Alex Otti of Abia State is expected to be the chief guest of honour, even though the invitation will be extended to other governors of the South East Zone and their friends.

Likewise, both national and state legislators of Igbo origin, Igbo leaders, captains of industries, and every peace-loving Nigerian will be welcomed at the event.

The event being packaged to feature Igbo traditional crafts and arts, Igbo dance steps, and epic poetry, among others, will also be a presentation of Alaigbo Development Foundation history and her struggles under the able leadership of Professor Uzodinma Nwala.

Part of the press statement reads, “We invite you and all lovers of Ndigbo worldwide to this memorable occasion, which will kickstart on Friday evening, , July 12th.” The main day, Saturday, 13th, will feature traditional arts and crafts of Ndigbo, our dance, epic poetry, etc. It will also feature presentations of ADF history, of her struggle and achievements in the past ten years, and projections for the years ahead.”

In the press statement, ADF reaffirmed their support for Prof. Uzodinma Nwala as the leader of the Foundation, stating that the Foundation has remained steadfast in fighting the injustice against the Igbo nation in Nigeria since 1914.

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