
UBE : FG begins implementation of effective school programme in 111 basic institutions

By Felix Khanoba

The Federal Government has begun the implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Effective School Programme in 111 schools across Nigeria.

This initiative aims to improve education quality and address key challenges within the system.

Dr. Hamid Bobboyi, Executive Secretary of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), announced the programme’s commencement during a meeting held in Abuja with state UBEC Coordinating Directors and headteachers of the selected schools on Monday.

Represented by Professor Bala Zakari, Deputy Executive Secretary (Technical), Bobboyi highlighted that the initiative seeks to tackle issues such as the learning crisis and the high number of out-of-school children. It also aims to equip students with the skills necessary for better academic performance and 21st-century knowledge.

Bobboyi reiterated UBEC’s dedication to creating an environment conducive to effective learning for Nigeria’s youth. He noted that the Effective Schools initiative is designed to ensure that educational standards are met and maintained across all participating schools.

The Effective School Programme is intended to enhance teaching and learning resources progressively, optimizing the capabilities of both educators and students. Following extensive stakeholder consultations, UBEC initiated the programme as a pilot in three schools per state and the FCT, targeting 111 schools initially designated as UBEC E-learning centers.

Bobboyi reported significant progress, including the distribution of instructional materials, provision of tablets, installation of satellite-based learning equipment, and training for headteachers and teachers in ICT pedagogy. These steps have been crucial in laying the groundwork for the ESP initiative.

He emphasized that the programme’s success relies heavily on the commitment of headteachers, who play a pivotal role in implementing the initiative and managing the curriculum. Bobboyi urged headteachers to integrate the ESP principles into their daily school activities and leverage the interactive meeting to better understand the programme’s key features and renew their dedication to innovative leadership.

Additionally, UBEC has commenced capacity-building efforts for headteachers, focusing on digital teaching methods to better prepare them for guiding students toward improved learning outcomes and contemporary knowledge.

Dr. Ossom Ossom, UBEC’s Director of Social Mobilisation, also stressed the crucial role of headteachers in the UBE Effective Schools Programme’s success and reminded them of the significant responsibilities they bear.

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