
BTR-1: Stakeholders charged on prompt data delivery

By Chuks Oyema-Aziken

Stakeholders have been charged to prioritise submission of reports to the National Council on Climate Change Secretariat (NCCCS) to enable Nigeria meet up the December 31, 2024 deadline as directed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The call was made on Monday at the 3-day Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop on Data Analysis towards the preparation of Nigeria’s First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1) to the UNFCCC in Lagos.

The workshop was organized by the National Council on Climate Change Secretariat with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Coordinating the technical sessions, Mr. Rasak Nayamuth and B. Ramlowat, consultants with the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP said data collected from the MDAs will be incorporated into components of the BTR.

The consultants urged the participants not to relent in efforts to compile data and forward their report for collation and sending to the right quarters at the appropriate time.

According to Mr. Nayamuth “The sub nationals and MDAs have done part of the job until now. They will go back to their various locations and continue working.

“So we go back now to complete data collection during the forthcoming four weeks on mitigation, adaptation and support that has been received and what is needed also.

“So once they furnish us with the data, by end of September, we’re going to analyze it, and then reconvene again for another session with each group again to analyze this together and look at how we can fill in the gaps and take stock on everything, and this will go in the report.

“So now we are dealing with the core element, which is a greenhouse gas inventory. We’re going to do that so we’ll be coming with probably a first draft of the National Inventory Document that has to be submitted with all the details and so on.

The BTR preparation is an obligation to countries who are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of which Nigeria is a party to.

Earlier, the Abuja workshop was attended by Climate Change Focal Person and Sectoral Data Compiler from the States.

The Lagos meeting is being attended by representatives of MDAs’ who are critical in the development of the BTR.

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