
Moolu Venture Lab Showcases NextechCzar at Intel Africa’s AI, Deeptech Stakeholders Summit

The recently concluded Intel Africa’s AI and Deeptech Stakeholders Summit, held over three days in Abuja co-organised by Afrilabs, marked a significant milestone in the evolution of AI and deeptech innovation on the continent.

Among the standout presentations was the unveiling of the NextechCzar incubation program by Moolu Venture Lab, an initiative set to propel Africa into the forefront of technological advancement.

Dr. Bienvenu Soglo, Director of Intel in Africa, set the tone for the summit by emphasizing the importance of collaboration in fostering AI and deeptech innovation.

He highlighted Intel’s readiness to lead this charge, calling on governments, innovation hubs, startups, and other institutions to synergize efforts. “We need a united front to realize the full potential of AI and deeptech innovations in Africa.

“Intel is committed to spurring this growth and we invite all stakeholders to join us in this mission,”Dr. Soglo stated.

One of the most anticipated presentations at the summit was delivered by Mr. Prince Ogbonna, CEO and Co-founder of Moolu Venture Lab.

He showcased the remarkable strides of the NextechCzar incubation program, a cornerstone initiative of the lab aimed at nurturing disruptive technologies, particularly in AI and deeptech.

“NextechCzar is not just an incubation program; it’s a beacon of hope for AI innovators across Africa.

“Our commitment is to support groundbreaking technologies and solve socio-economic challenges across the continent,”Ogbonna said.

The summit also featured key insights from other influential stakeholders. The Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) outlined the Nigerian government’s robust policies and frameworks designed to support AI growth in the country.

He highlighted the recent establishment of a dedicated center for AI in Nigeria as a testament to the government’s commitment to fostering technological advancement.

Mr. Prince Ogbonna, alongside representatives from other innovation hubs, reaffirmed their dedication to harnessing the next generation of AI and deeptech talent.

They emphasized the critical role these technologies play in addressing Africa’s socio-economic challenges and expressed a unified commitment to nurturing this talent pool.

“Our goal is to create solutions that have a lasting impact on our communities,.

“By fostering innovation in AI and deeptech, we are investing in a brighter future for Africa,”Ogbonna explained.

The NextechCzar program, under the auspices of Moolu Venture Lab, promises to be a catalyst for change. It aims to provide AI innovators with the resources, mentorship, and platform needed to develop and scale their ideas.

The program’s focus on solving real-world problems aligns with the broader objectives discussed at the summit, underscoring the importance of innovation in driving economic growth and improving quality of life.

As the summit concluded, there was a palpable sense of optimism and determination among the attendees.

The collaborative spirit and shared vision for a technologically advanced Africa were evident, signaling a new era of innovation and progress on the continent. With initiatives like the NextechCzar incubation program leading the charge, Africa is well on its way to becoming a global hub for AI and deeptech innovation.

In summary, the Intel Africa’s AI and Deeptech Stakeholders Summit highlighted the critical need for collaboration and innovation in driving Africa’s technological future. Moolu Venture Lab, through its NextechCzar program, stands at the forefront of this movement, committed to supporting disruptive technologies and solving impactful issues across the continent.

The summit not only showcased the potential of AI and deeptech in Africa but also laid the groundwork for a unified approach to realizing this potential.

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