
My assignment is prophecy and deliverance— Prophet Anene Nwachukwu

Mouthpiece and Oracle of God, Bishop (Prophet) Anene Nwachukwu of RHEMA Deliverance Mission, Lagos has made it clear that some men of God fail because they left their area of calling, saying that he succeeded because he remained in his area of calling which is prophecy and deliverance. Prophet Nwachukwu while speaking to the media during the annual convention of his church on 6th October, 2024, also spoke on other national issues. CYRIACUS NNAJI reports. 

Congratulations sir, this year’s convention was just extraordinary, can you tell us your feeling towards this year’s convention and why the choice of that topic?

First of all I want to thank the almighty God who made it possible for us to witness 2024 convention, it is an annual event. And the theme of our convention says the God that Showeth Mercy. Romans Chapter 9:15 and 16, He told Moses “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion,” it is not him that willet or runneth but it is God that Showeth Mercy. The theme simply means that God need to show us Mercy because in this economic hardship and economic quagmire there is no place to run to except God. And as you run to God, you need mercy to change things in our lives. So I made the members to know that when God shows you mercy, the way you eat will change, the way you dress will change, and your address will also change. So the theme says let God show us, mercy to overcome the circumstances we find ourselves today.

What are your hopes and expectations for your attendees?

Well, as I pray for them, I believe that testimony will be massive, because the spirit of God moved powerfully well, I think all of you witnessed what happened here today, and I prayed that as you leave here the mercies of God shall go with you. And I pray and expect them to come back from next week to begin to testify of the manifestation of the goodness of God in their lives.

You carried the white service to this service, can you tell us about the handkerchief.

You see, I have to share it free, I just want to remind them they are divinely protected, that God is with us. The mantle simply means, as you are stepping out you should know fully well that the grace of God is really with you. That is the significance.

We heard you saying you’re shedding tears of joy, and what are the things that inspired you to start shedding tears of joy?

When my choir was ministering, they were singing, “I will say all the mercies of the lord, forever I will sing, I will sing of the goodness of the lord,” I remembered where we are coming from, the persecutions our ministry faced, the persecutions my father faced and overcame, and I looked at the church, I looked at the crowd, I looked at myself, I said does it mean God loves us this way? That which people fought to close down, that God has made to become massive. So if you looked at me tears filled my eyes. And those tears were indeed tears of joy. I was not crying because it was celebration time. So I didn’t even know when tears started coming down from my eyes. Because I was so happy that who am I that God should show me such mercy.

You have overcome so many challenges, how did you come out of them to get to this level? Who are your backbones?

Well my greatest inspiration came from my father, Bishop Arthur Nwachukwu, my father can be described as my role model, he was the one that empowered me, encouraged me, thought me what ministry is all about. And through him the grace of God on his life affected me. And he told me that I will do what he could not do. Not only me my brothers too. We are living witnesses to what God is doing in RHEMA through the grace of my father, Bishop Arthur Nwachukwu,

People come from different states, Abuja, Calabar, what do you think brought them closer to you since they have churches where they all worship?

Well there is one unique thing about my ministry, my ministry is very prophetic and I am standing in my area of calling. Many pastors fail because they don’t stick to their calling. They are doing what others are doing and that is imitation and I always tell people, imitation kills destiny. When you are faithful to your assignment God will be faithful to you. My assignment is prophecy and deliverance and the word. I stick to my calling and through that people have come here, those that have come here go back to tell others that this man is real, because people have seen so many fake prophecies and fake pastors, and when they see a genuine man they tell others, when you see a good thing you advertise it.

And we have a television network called Oracle TV that goes all over the world, through that people all over the world see the miracle that is taken place, and many of them are attracted to come and see and as soon as they come they become a partaker of what God is doing in RHEMA.

This particular administration of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, came on the mantra of Renewed Hope agenda, we want to know, has Nigerians renewed their hope?

Well Tinubu came with the slogan renewed hope, and Nigerians expected that something great will happen, there would be changes in Nigeria, but today we are in a more troubled environment. Things have gone so bad that even Buhari Administration which was thought to be the worst administration Nigeria has ever produced is even better than this one.

Yes we are aware that he met an environment that was very hostile, and as a result of what is taking place, Tinubu has not performed for the past one year, because if you look at our foreign exchange, unfortunately you discovered that our foreign exchange is in a mess, everything is in a mess. By the special grace of God, we are praying that God should remember Nigeria and have mercy on us, because, honestly speaking, Nigerians are suffering and the suffering is at the highest level. And we are praying that God should do something about the administration Tinubu should understand that Nigerians are suffering and crying. Somebody can wake up in the morning not knowing where food for the day will come from, so we are preaching, especially myself, I pray for Nigeria every day that God should have mercy on us.

Nigeria at 64, are you saying we have already gotten there or simply put, has our political governance made any impact on Nigerians?

Well at 64 we are still crawling, a man who is 64 years supposed to be a grandfather. But today you can see that Nigerians are suffering and the country is still like a toddler. We are not walking, we are not running, we are still crawling. Today, dollar is going to N1700, Pounds is going to N2500, so you ask yourself, where are we going? At 64 we are not yet there and there is no hope in sight, we are still where we were and even where we are is worse than where we were before. In the 80s I had a song which says “which way Nigeria, which way to go, I love my father land…” As at 1980s, if Sunny Okosun were to be alive today I don’t know what he is going to sing, because, today Nigeria is in a serious economy mess. And with what we are seeing today there is no hope in sight. We are only depending on God. What they are doing today is to change our national anthem; our problem is not in our national anthem. Secondly they are talking about national honour in the national assembly, our problem is not in national honours, that the speaker supposed to get GCON, this one should get GCFR, is that what Nigerians are expecting them to do? They are there fighting for National honour without honoring the people who elected them. Of course I can tell you that some of the people there were not elected by the people, they force themselves into power and that is why they care less about the people

2023 election was said to be the worst election in Nigeria, but with what transpired in the recently conducted Guber election in Edo State, do you think there is hope in future elections in Nigeria?

Well Edo State Election was an eye opener for what we are going to see on 2027, if you look at the election in Edo, you would see that every citizen were crying foul, that the PDP man was robbed, that they changed the figured to favour APC. It was so glaring even during the campaign, the people who were campaigning, the former state governor, and others were boasting that Obaseki is not going anywhere and they proved their words by manipulating and manoeuvering, what we heard from Edo State is not a palatable news, because the people believed that the election was massively rigged in favour of APC.

What has your Ministry done for the community in terms of helping the less privileged, and other downtrodden in the society?

We have the arm of the ministry that is in charge of Charity, we call it Stomach infrastructure Department. In our ministry we have a lot of our members we share rice, garri, beans and yam to, on monthly basis. We are also giving back to the society because there are some people here who are on scholarship, there are some aged mothers and Fathers we are paying their house rents, we have a scheme whereby every first Friday of the month we share rice to members.

You have a lot of youth in your church, how do you manage them?

Well if you want to have a solid church, make the youth department of the church very strong and disciplined whereby they have future. Youth are the future of every organisation. I am a youth and I attach so much importance to the youth ministry, and I want to tell you we have the most well behaved youth in this church.

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