
Igbo should forget presidency in 2023 except – Igwe Ugwuoke

By Chijioke Edeoga, Nsukka

The Igbo have been told to forget the aspirations for a president of Igbo extraction during the 2023 presidential election until they put their house in order.

Speaking, the traditional ruler of Obimo in Enugu State, Igwe Spencer Ugwoke, said the republican nature of the Igbo will continue to rob them of the nation’s top position.

According to him, it is no secret that Ndigbo do not have a united voice when it comes to national politics, a situation that make them speak in discordant tones.

The traditional ruler stated that in Hausa or Yoruba land, their traditional rulers are revered and once they make policy statements, nobody counters such.
He lamented that in Igboland everybody claims to be a leader without recourse to constituted authorities.

Ugwoke maintained that there was no indication that Ndigbo were serious about the 2023 presidential project, especially as some persons from the tribe could easily be bought over to work vehemently against an Igbo emerging as president.

The Royal father recounted that other geographical zones had produced the president of the country except the South-East which had not produced and has had nobody of quality as rallying point on national issues, especially on national politics.

“South-East has nobody to speak for them. Anybody from his house can say anything at anytime, not minding the weight of such issues. Freedom of speech is doing us more harm than good,”.he lamented.

Ugwoke extolled the efforts of the Chief John Nnia Nwodo-led Ohaneze Ndigbo in their bid to reposition the Igbo in national polity.

He advised the Igbo to restrategize by forging a common front through their traditional rulers and leaders of thought, to reach other sections of the country through their traditional institutions, to solicit support for Igbo presidency in future.

The Kumasi-trained Estate Valuer called for the strengthening of the Ohaneze Ndigbo and harnessing of Igbo population scattered all over the country and in the diaspora for the realization of the presidency project.

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