
KTSG orders Security Agents to arrest drug suppliers to Bandits

From Shehu Danjuma, Katsina

Governor Aminu Bello Masari of Katsina state, has directed security agents in the state to arrest and prosecute Drug Dealers and peddlers that supply illicit drugs to arm Bandits that terrorized the people in the state.

Masari stated this while exchanging views with newsmen on Friday in Katsina.

He said that security agents from all the security outfits posted to Katsina had been given the powers to fish out drug dealers that sales drugs to bandits in their hideout for punishment.

“Anybody caught selling drugs in Danmusa, Batsari, Jibia, Safana, Kankara, Dutsinma and Faskari local governments where the bandits had been operating will be dealt with”.

“The state government has gathered information that several youth among the bandits are using drugs to carryout their operations without mercy”.

“Some of the repentant bandits that are parents had forwarded their complaints to government over the massive use of drugs by the youth in the forest”. he said.

The Governor said that operatives of the National Drug Law, operatives of Department of State Service and those of Criminal Investigation Department had been tasked to unearth drug dealers and peddlers for prosecution.

Masari appealed to the members of the public to provide information about the drug dealers and the bandits to the security Agents for arrest and prosecution.

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