
I’ll take every step to reposition AAU, says Obaseki

Gov. Godwin Obaseki of Edo on Monday assured that his administration would take all steps to reposition the state-owned Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma.

Obaseki gave the assurance shortly after he signed into law, a bill that empowers the visitor to AAU the powers to intervene in any crisis  witnessed in the university.

He  said “I want to thank you for the support you have shown by passing the amendment to the Ambrose Alli University act of 1999, empowering the visitor to intervene with the aim of repositioning Ambrose Alli University.

“Just like all of us in Edo have witnessed the sad and unfortunate situation that has engulfed the premium state university which emblazed that trail in terms of academic excellence in this country when it was established 40 years ago.

“Unfortunately in the last decade or so, the performance of our university has fallen below expectations of our founding fathers and our own expectations.

“With the amendment that you have graciously enacted, the visitor now has the full authority without encumbrance of the law to now undertake a surgical cleansing of our university.

“Be rest assured that we will take all the required positive steps to reposition AAU to become that centre of learning which our founding fathers meant it to be.

“We are going to put in place a proper governance structure, accountability and transparency in the management of the affairs of the Ambrose Alli University, that university is our pride,” he said.

The governor further assured members of the Edo State House of Assembly and people of the state that he would do everything within his powers to undertake a thorough cleansing of the institution.

Earlier, the Speaker, Edo House of Assembly, Mr Marcus Onobun, said that they were in Government House to present a Special Intervention Bill before Gov. Godwin Obaseki.

“We are here this evening to present a special intervention bill, conferring the powers of special intervention on the Ambrose Alli University.

” The bill was passed this afternoon by the seventh assembly conferring on you the visitor of the Ambrose Alli University to intervene in the crisis that is rocking the university.

“Members looked at the bill extensively, they all spoke in its favour with the hope and belief  in your ability to intervene and bring about serious educational reforms that will make the university a very competitive one in sub-Sahara region,” he said.

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