By John Okeke
The Republic of India has recorded a milestone in a bid to improve the standard of living for the Indiana administered area of Jammu and Kashmir.
The region of Kashmir being at the northwestern subcontinent of India, an autonomous region of xingiang to northeast and the tribet, and to the Pakistan, the Kashmir is to the west side.
The region with a land mark of (222,200 square km) has remained a subject of dispute between India and the Pakistan since 1947, even before India and Pakistan had independence, the area was hot in contention hence the duo has refused to ceasefire in the region.
In his presentarion , the High Commissioner of India to Nigeria , Abey Takur said this year’s anniversary of the constitutional amendment for the region by the government of India has testimonies of improved standard of living in the region.
The amendment cuts across the empowerment of the categories that were formally descriminated to now become eligible.
Domicile law fully covers Kashmiri migrants for Job, education and and other benefits benefiting about 44,000 Families.
The amendment captured a release of power from urban to local bodies thereby electing representatives, over 20,000 developmental work identified directly by the people and 7000 already executed. Inclusive also is an administrative measures to improve business environment which ease’s loan slab under credit scheme for handicraft with an interest of subvention of 7%.