
‘The Earlier The Warring Nation Rerun To Dialoguing, The Better For World Peace’–Amb Hussaini Coomassie Warns

…as he commends President Macron for his peaceful approach

The United Nations SDG Ambassador and continental director general, Advocacy For Good Governance and Social Justice Network, Amb. (Dr) Hussaini H. Coomassie has advised Russia and Ukraine to embrace dialogue to enter the face-off between both countries.

Coomassie who is an advocate of peace made this know in Abuja stressing that the neglect of peaceful talks would lead to deadly repercussion and lost of lives by both nations.

He warns that the international community shouldn’t fold their hands and watch the killing going on by just condemning but to send assistance to those in need.

He stated: “Russia is a powerful state and one of the poles in the current global balance. Russia has the ability to unsettle world peace and take it 83-years-back. In other words, Russian power can usher in the Third World War. No country in the world will sit idly by when there is danger in its backyard.

“Therefore the world needs to come up with solution to NATO expansion – go back to the table before it is too late as this has the tendency of opening up other theatres of cold conflicts in the world. China may decide to invade Taiwan or other similar scenarios all over the world.

“Another important thing to note is that the Ukrainian leadership must understand that their country’s strategic position does not provide opportunities of playing sides against middle, rather than the dangerous one-sided posture it continuously take. They must remember none of their allies will go to war with Russia to protect Ukrainians and that even if it were to happen, the damage would already have been done.

“The Ukrainian leadership must also Unilaterally do what it must do to safeguard its people, rather than unnecessarily pushing the world into more conflict by proxy wars, let the United States and her allies concentrate on solving the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Israel and Palestine, Morocco/Western Sahara as well as Libya,” he concluded adding that te world cannot afford any more wars.

“The world needs peace and the great powers have the key to peace.”

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