
BLACK SUNDAY: 50 die as gunmen attack Ondo Catholic Church *Its outrageous–CAN *Buhari, Akeredolu mourn *Say killers would be punished

By Emma Okereh and Chesa Chesa

Aftermath of the Sunday morning attack at St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, headquaters of Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State, have resulted in the killing of over 50 members of the congregation, during the church service.

It was gathered that no fewer than 50 corpses have been moved out of the church with several casualties still lying in various state of health at the Federal Medical Center, Owo, to obtain medical attention.

According to sources, unacceptable number of gunmen invaded the church during holy mass and opened fire on the congregation, killing no fewer than 50 persons.

The sources stated that the congregation were caught unaware, adding that the casualty might be more as some worshippers who were taken to the hospital have given up due to severe injuries they sustained.

It was also gathered that the gunmen equally detonated some explosives within the church premises, but added that more number of casualties were recorded when the allailants opened fire on people who were scampering for safety inside the church auditorium.

The perpetrators were said to have immediately fled the scene after they had carried out the killing, and left many people dead.

It was observed from a video making the round that some dead bodies were seen soaked with blood inside the church, while sympathisers, who probably were also in the church when it happened, were speaking in staccato voices.

A nurse at the Owo hospital disclosed there were paucity of medical personnel on ground at the hospital when the victims were brought in and the duty to attend to the casualties at the emergency unit of the hospital became so overwhelming that some of the casualties had to be taken to nearby private hospitals.

Owo church massacre: CAN fumes, sends message to Buhari

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has condemned the killing of worshipers at St Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Ondo State.

Recall that gunmen had stormed the church on Sunday and killed over 50 worshipers, while several others sustained gunshot injuries.

Reacting, CAN, in a statement issued by Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, media assistant to the CAN President, His Eminence, Rev Dr Samson Ayokunle, described the development as “outrageous”.

“The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has condemned the unprovoked attacks and killing of several innocent worshippers at the St Francis Catholic Church, Owa-luwa Street, Owo, and called on the security agencies to apprehend the perpetrators of the dastardly criminality.

“This is sad, wrong, condemnable, outrageous, unacceptable, and satanic. There is no explanation for this unprovoked attack and assault on a place of worship. This is raw persecution. These people are possessed, and demonic and are not working for the good of the country. May God descend heavily on them and fight them mindless agents of Satan from their roots in Jesus’ name,” CAN said.

It, therefore, called for a total overhauling of the security architecture and asked President Muhammadu Buhari to stop the recycling of criminals and terrorists in the name of de-radicalising programme.

”If the programme is not counterproductive, how come the criminalities are always on the increase and nowhere is safe again?” it asked.

CAN also condoled with the families of the victims, the Catholic Church and the government, and people of Ondo State over the incident.

Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the heinous killing of worshippers on Sunday at the St Francis Catholic Church, Owa-luwa Street, Owo Kingdom, in Ondo State.

In a statement after the incident, the President said that “only fiends from the nether region could have conceived and carried out such dastardly act”, adding that eternal sorrow awaits them both on earth here, and ultimately in the hereafter.

Issued by presidential spokesman, Femi Adesina, the statement said that Buhari mourned the dead, consoled with their families, the Catholic Church, and the Government of Ondo State, while charging emergency agencies to swing into action, and bring succor to the wounded.

“No matter what, this country shall never give in to evil and wicked people, and darkness will never overcome light. Nigeria will eventually win,” the President added.

In another press statement, Ondo State Governor, Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, vowed that the assailants would be hunted down and made to pay for their heinous crime.

He said he was deeply saddened by the unprovoked attack and killing of innocent people at the church, which he described as vile and satanic, ans calculated assault on the peace-loving people of Owo Kingdom who have enjoyed relative peace over the years.

“It is a black Sunday in Owo. Our hearts are heavy. Our peace and tranquility have been attacked by the enemies of the people. This is a personal loss, an attack on our dear state.

“I have spoken to the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ondo, Most Reverend Jude Arogundade, who is presently on his way to Owo. Similarly, I have had to cut short my party’s national assignment in Abuja and visit Owo immediately.

“This is an unexpected development. I am shocked to say the least. Nevertheless, We shall commit every available resource to hunt down these assailants and make them pay. We shall never bow to the machinations of heartless elements in our resolves to rid our state of criminals.

“I commiserate with my people in Owo, particularly families of the those who lost their lives to this ugly and unfortunate attack. I extend my condolences to Olowo of Owo, Oba Gbadegesin Ogunoye as well as the Catholic Church.

“I urge our people to remain calm and vigilant. Do not take laws into your hands. I have spoken to the heads of the security agencies. I have equally been assured that security operatives would be deployed to monitor and restore normalcy to Owo kingdom”, Akeredolu said.

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