
Make climate change a pandemic — Eze Emu, SSG, Delta State

The Secretary to the Government of Delta State, Dr. Kingsley Eze Emu, has appealed to the United Nations Organisation (UNO) to declare Climate Change challenge a Pandemic.

Dr Ezeh Emu made the appeal while speaking as the representative of the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt (Hon) Sheriff Oborevwori at a Side event at the recently concluded UNFCCC COP 28 in Dubai.

Emu said “In my opinion, I believe that climate change challenge should be given the status of a pandemic, if you give climate change the status of a pandemic, the world would be serious about it.”

Emu stressed that it was easy to contain Covid-19 because of the deserved attention devoted to it, adding that if something urgent is not done about climate change challenge, human beings would soon face existential threat. “When Covid-19 came, Covid has that status, and it was cured, and we think that if we don’t do that like they always say, in the next 20, 30 years, some human existence will go into extinction.”

Emu emphasized that the threat posed by Climate change challenge is real and every hand must be on deck to curtail the danger. “The threat is real and it is important that we take this matter very seriously.”

He thanked the organisers of the event, Nurses Across the Borders International ably led by their President, Pastor Peters Osawaru Omoragbon for the opportunity to be at the event. “Thank you for the opportunity.”

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