
Zamfara youths write Tinubu, DSS over Reps’ member, Jaji

A group of concerned youths from Kaura Namoda and Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency has reached out to President Bola Tinubu and the Department of State Security Service (DSS), requesting the removal of security details from House of Representatives member, Hon. Aminu Jaji, over alleged links to criminal elements in Zamfara State.

The protest letter, signed by group Chairman Zaharaaddeen Dahiru Usman and Secretary Ibrahim Muhammad, along with other local representatives, highlights a range of concerns.

The youths argue that the withdrawal is necessary due to a loss of confidence in Jaji, his perceived poor performance, and his alleged connection to bandits.

The statement asserts, “We, as law-abiding citizens of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency, wish to draw attention to the activities of Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji, which compromise national security.”

The letter calls for the initiation of recall processes against Jaji, referencing his suspension by the All Progressive Congress (APC) over national security issues and anti-party activities.

It also mentions notable associates of Jaji, such as Hon. Hali Sidi and Hon. Aminu Ibrahim Kasuwar Daji, who are allegedly under investigation over security issues.

The statement underscores that Jaji’s political maneuvers, particularly during the 2023 General Election, have disrupted local political processes.

Moreover, it claims Jaji has not addressed the insecurity in Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji at the National Assembly, raising suspicions about his potential complicity.

The group also criticizes the misuse of DSS officers, accusing Jaji of using them as personal enforcers and of supplying vehicles and other resources to the DSS, saying it is a violation of the Nigerian Constitution.

In conclusion, the youths appeal to President Tinubu to order a thorough investigation and address their petition to ensure justice and restore security in their constituency.

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