
Children’s Day: Government needs to invest in child education, improve standard –  Dr. Ezeike

Dr. Joy Ezeike is the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of media outfit known as Omas World of Glamour, Port Harcourt, she is also the founder of a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Omas Foundation for Hope (OFH), with responsibility to  support primary health and education in Nigeria. Dr. Ezeike spoke with our Chief Correspondent, ABBANOBI-EKU ONYEKACHI, advising government to invest in child education, among other issues. Excerpts.

How do you see the condition and position of Nigerian children?

I can tell you that the condition and position of the Nigerian children are difficult to expressly say, this is because nothing is happening to really define the position of Nigerian children. Greater percentage of Nigerian children are struggling to feed and have access to basic education. I think Nigerian children do not have a good condition.

Would you say that the Nigerian government, past and present have been doing enough in the areas of children’s upbringing, education, among others?

Nigerian government you say? I do not like to discuss issues that relate to the government as it concerns the Nigerian children. To tell you the simple truth, Nigerian government, present and past had shown less concern in the future of the Nigerian children. Education is the foundation every child should have but the Nigerian government had shown unwillingness for the education of the Nigerian children. If you visit any public primary school in Nigeria, you will see that the Nigerian government is really not doing enough. This is the reason no average parents in Nigerian would prefer to send their children and ward to public schools.

In which area would you want government to improve upon in the children’s upbringing and education?

We cannot over state it, the government needs to invest in children’s education, when you educate the children, you secure their future, in all honesty, the government should improve the standard of education and make it accessible.

What is your view on the theme for this year’s celebration: Protecting the Nigerian Child from the Dangers of Online Technology; which attracts essay competitions, sponsored by a software company in the FCT, the SystemSpec Limited, Corporate Social Responsibility, with different prizes?

This question is not too clear anyway but central to it is the protection of Nigerian children from the danger of online technology. Yes, technology has its merit and demerit. If you look at the global space, you will see that technology has taken the centre stage and it is needed in every sector of every nation’s economy. However, online technology has its negative effect on children when they are not monitored. There are places in the world where they sensor the online technology to limit the children from viewing certain things. I think the Nigerian government should follow suit and allow only educative content for the children’s view.

With regard to the Nigerian  children’s welfare, what would be your message to the public, private companies and corporate organisations?

Corporate organisations, both public and private should constantly promote initiatives that will engender development of children through corporate social responsibility and sponsorship of education incentive programs for basic education in Nigeria.

To that effect, what is your advice for parents?

Ans: Well, parents should consistently look out for their children and know what they are doing at every point in time. The parents should be bold enough to say no to things that will threaten the future of their children, aways give them the best within their reach.

What would be your advice for the children?

You know the children will always think that they are always right in their thinkings, which is not always the case. As much as possible, the children should learn submission and obedience to their parents, even the Holy Bible commands so. Engage in educative endeavour and acquire knowledge, this will be their strength as they grow old.

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