
One Year In Office: Controversial removal of emir, only achievement of Kano gov. – Group

Following his inability to show case any project after one year in office, a group know as Arewa Truth and Justice Iniative alleged that the Kano State Governor, Abba Yusuf used the removal of Emir Ado Bayero to divert attention from his monumental failure.

The group in a statement signed by its Coordinator, Comrade Momoh Idoko, for Arewa Truth and Justice Iniative insisted that the controversial law was all a plot by the Governor to distract Kano people as he has nothing to present after a year in office.

Comrade Idoko said Governor Yusuf attempted to insult the intelligence of Kano people by pulling such shenanigan.

He commended Kano people for not falling for the propaganda and also for rejecting the purported removal of the substantive Emir Ado Bayero.

The group urged the governor to retrace his steps and embark on projects geared towards providing good governance to Kano people rather than relying on shenanigans to cover his failures.

“The Arewa Truth and Justice Iniative is saddened by Kano State Governor, Abba Yusuf’s treacherous attempt to undermine the traditional institution in the state in a bid to cover his monumental failure in office as Governor for one year,” the statement said.

“We are not surprised at his woeful performance in Kano State, however, his decision to use the purported removal of Emir Ado Bayero to divert attention from his failure in office is a new low.

“Governor Yusuf started on a wrong foot by going against the very essence of governance which is the people. With just three weeks into his administration, without looking at government records, he went ahead with the demolition of shops, businesses and people’s homes.The Governor neglected his primary duty of providing good governance to the people of Kano, instead choosing to witch-hunt perceived political enemies while the state slips into penury.

“Available data and reports have shown that Kano State is currently one of the worst governed state in Nigeria. A recent assessments of the performances of all the governors sworn in on May 29, 2023, showed that Governor Yusuf of Kano State is rating very poor. The report stated that there’s nothing on ground to show that he is doing anything at all to alleviate the challenges that the people of the state are going through; educationally, developmentally, economically, security and otherwise.

“In a desperate bid to cover his failures on the day of reckoning; his one year in office, Governor Yusuf decided to distract Kano people with the purported abolishment of the five emirates of the state. We commend the people of Kano for not falling for the trick and rejecting the purported removal of the substantive Emir Ado Bayero.

“We urge Governor Yusuf to stop playing games and focus on providing good governance for the people of Kano state. There a need for him to have a rethink and properly define his agenda in the next three years that he is going to spend as the governor of Kano state. Because from all indications it seems he is not well prepared. Kano people deserve better and the Governor must sit up and focus on carrying out his duties rather than embarking on meaningless vendetta and relying on shenanigans to cover his failures.”

You may wish to recall that there was outrage in Kano last week after the Governor Yusuf signed the Kano State Emirate Council Repeal Bill into law; abolishing the five emirates in the state and reinstating the former Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II.

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