
Gwer-East/Gwer-West Fed. Constituency lauds Achado’s representation

By Chiangi Avese, Makurdi

The people of Gwer-East and Gwer-West Federal Constituency have lauded the representation of Hon. Dr. Arc. Asema Austin Achado at the Green Chambers, describing it as “one impactful year of effective representation of the people”

The constituents spoke separately when a select number of journalist were conducted round the federal Constituency by the law maker for on the spot assessments of his modest efforts for his people in last one year.

Constituency projects with direct impacts on the people through out the federal Constituency have been either completed or are nearing completion.

At Mbawergba, Mbaabii kindred and Mbadaku, Mbapier communities in Taraku Development Area of Gwer-East Local Government where the construction of two earth dams are nearing completion, the traditional leaders of the communities expressed delight at what Hon. Achado is doing to their communities.

Chief Akula Ishorgba, kindred head of Mbawergba speaking on behalf of his community extolled the virtues in Hon. Dr. Asema Achado. He said, “we have never had it this good since the return of democracy 25 years ago, Arc. Dr. Asema Achado is a blessing to this community”.

“The perennial scarcity of water around this community is set to become a thing of the past. Our people will no more have to trek long distances to access water, the efforts of which often resulted into quarrel and conflicts between our community and our neighbors”.

Earlier at Aliade, the Gwer-East Local Government Area headquarters, the Divisional Police Station and the adjoining eight-man quarters housing senior officers of the division, wore a new look. The Station which was constructed at the creation of the Local Government in 1976 had become an eyesore in dilapidation, has been rehabilitated and equipped.

A solar panel to give the station uninterrupted light and save it from the inconsistency of the public power supply and enhance efficiency in the division was seen fixed.

At Mbadaku, Mbapier community where another earth dam is under construction celebration was unstoppable. Chief Peter Iorshamber Mbapieryima, beaming with smiles, appreciated God and Hon. Achado for being mindful of his people.

“We have been suffering for water at every dry season in this community for ages. We never thought any government would ever come to our aid. This is a pleasant surprise, but thanks to Hon. Dr Achado’s selfless service”, Chief Mbapieryima said.

In Naka, the Gwer-West Local Government Area, the Divisional Police Station has been rehabilitated and equipped with solar panel fixed to give the station electrical power 24 hours and enhance performance. Officers who spoke on the conditions of anonymity were appreciative of what the legislator has done to enhance efficiency in the division.

In demonstrating capacity, leadership and effective representation, Arc. Dr. Achado moved motions on the rehabilitation of Makurdi-Aliade-Otukpo, Aliade-Gboko roads, the need to investigate the procurement processes for the Lagos-Calabar coastal road and rail projects,banditry attacks on Mbakyor, provision of farm inputs worth over N200,000,000 to his constituents, rehabilitation of Mase-Paka road, reconstruction of Mchia bridge, a bill establishing the Nigeria Army College of Environmental Science and technology Makurdi, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Aliade, amongst many others.

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