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Breaking: Gov Sani’s Logistics Support for Security ‘Unbeatable’ in Kaduna History – Expert

Kaduna State Governor Uba Sani has made history with his unprecedented logistics support to security agencies in the state, according to security expert, Dr. Paul Adam Kachia.

Governor Sani recently donated 150 operational vehicles and 500 motorcycles to security agencies, including the Nigerian Police Force, Nigerian Army, and Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC).

Dr. Kachia, a seasoned security analyst, described the gesture as “unbeatable” in Kaduna State’s history.

“This is a game-changer for security operations in Kaduna State. Governor Sani’s logistics support is unprecedented and will significantly enhance the capacity of security agencies to respond to threats and maintain law and order,” he said.

The donation is part of Governor Sani’s strategy to improve security in the state and ensure the safety of citizens.

“With this move, the governor has demonstrated his commitment to making Kaduna State a safe haven for residents and investors alike.

He recalled that the logistics support has already started paying off, “especially at the point Boderi Isyaku – a bandits warlord whose terror of terror held the Kaduna’s Birnin Gwari border to Niger State state to ransom for many years without getting caught was successfully gunned down”.

He said a couple of days ago, bandits were caught at the point of collecting ransom in one of the villages along the Abuja-Kaduna road.

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