
Akutah encourages Junior Lions Legacy fc players

By Chiangi Avese, Makurdi

President of Junior Lions Legacy Football Club, Gboko, Barr. Pius Ukeyima Akutah, has called on the players of the club to be dedicated and stay true to the vision which is to provide a solid developmental foundation from which successful football careers would be built.

Barr. Akutah made the call when he interacted with the players and technical staff at the club’s temporary training ground at Bristow Secondary School, Gboko.

The Executive Secretary & CEO of Nigerian Shippers’ Council who played for the Junior Lions football club in his youthful days pointed out to the players that the opportunity given them was a God’s gift.

“You have been presented with the same opportunity myself and others, had while growing up and playing for the Junior Lions FC which was the feeder team to the then BCC Lions FC, Gboko”.

Barr. Akutah added that, “myself and others didn’t play further after secondary school, but there were some among them who went on to play for the Nigerian national team at various levels and also at professional club level in the Nigerian domestic league and in foreign leagues”.

His undying passion for football and the lifelong love for the Junior Lions vision that motivated the former Junior star to found the Junior Lions Legacy. He charged the players to take the opportunity before them by imbibing the virtues of hard work, commitment and discipline.

He pledged his continued commitment to the sponsorship of the club to ensure its success. Hon. Crucial Abua Yajir and the team’s Co-ordinator, Samuel Aindigh, as well as its Corporate Communications Co-ordinator, Bemgba Iortyom, variously commended Barr. Akutah’s vision for the club and plans to seeing it bear fruits.

Junior Lions Legacy FC is a developmental football project which targets to identify and groom young footballers under the age of 17 years for onward playing careers at all levels.

The club was founded in 2023 and has a player strength of 30, with a technical staff comprising ex Junior Lions players, many of whom had illustrious playing careers in Nigeria and abroad, and some possessing advanced specialized training in football administration.

The crew has on it Team Co-ordinator, Samuel Aindigh; Corporate Communications Co-ordinator, Bemgba Iortyom; Head Coach, Terfa Vihishima (Antse); Assistant Coach 1, Joseph Abashi; Assistant Coach 2, Aóndofa Akósu; Goalkeeper Trainer, Terhemen Liam; Physical Trainer, Terna Dzua (Obadiah) with Vendaga Kasar and Anter Mande as Backroom Staff.

Barr. Akutah was accompanied on the visit by an entourage of associates and staff led by his Special Adviser (Plenipotentiary) Comrade Faeren Atir who also serves as Secretary to the Club’s Management Board.

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