
Coalition of political parties in Kogi State commends Suleiman Makail, Kogi East APC Zonal Chairman

By Mercy Aikoye

… Admonishes Members to Remain Consistent.

Coalition of Political parties Kogi State chapter has commended Kogi East All Progressives Congress (APC) zonal chairman, Alhaji Suleiman Makail.

The coalition, which is a watch dog of political actors in Kogi, said it beamed its searchlight on Alhaji Suleiman Mikhail and discovered the uncommon political prowess of the APC chieftain.

“Since his appointment as Kogi East APC Zonal Chairman, it’s on this note we want to appreciate his Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, the Executive Governor of Kogi State for his eagle eyes in the selection of his appointees to pilot this administration.

We discover that the Deputy Governor, His Excellency, Comr. Salifu Oyibo, the Auditor-General of the State, Yakubu Okala are resolutely and unequivocally has taken it upon themselves to support the Zonal Chairman to reinstate the lost glory of APC in Kogi East.

The activities of Alhaji Suleiman Mikhail as the Kogi East Zonal Chairman has indeed ignited fire in wooing new entrance and encouraging old members to come back home, according to him “you cannot build a house and abandon it for another to inherit”

He went further to assure the people that what’s more important in politics is development, not who is in the saddle of leadership. His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo the current Governor of Kogi State is a grassroots politician well mentored by Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello the immediate past Governor of Kogi State to correct some of the mistakes of the past administration.

“The Coalition of Political Parties For Ododo 2023 is proud of Kogi East Zonal Chairman for his sacrifice and commitment to the party, we encourage him to build more on what he has begun to quickly attract development in all ramifications, all he needs is the support of all stakeholders to perform optimally.

” Fortunately, we discovered a grassroots governor whose interest is to build the party from bottom up, we appreciate His Excellency, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo for extending his hand of fellowship to Kogi East Zonal Chairman for rapid transformation of the party structure in Kogi East,” the coalition said.

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