
Deeper Life offers free healthcare services to FCT residents

By Daniel Tyokua

Medical experts from Deeper Life Bible Church have began offering of free healthcare services to the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) residents.

This is at the sideline of Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK) slated to commence on 27 June to July 2nd, at the Gwagwalada camp on Abuja- Lokoja road.

Addressing journalists during the medical exercise, GCK Medical Outreach Lead, Dr Sam Onuoha said the healthcare was principally to show the love of God through Jesus Christ to the people of the nation’s capital, Abuja.

He explained that the dream is from the Convener of Global Crusade with Kumuyi, pastor William Kumuyi, that through the talent God has given them, will assist people at all levels access free healthcare services.

According to him, the medical exercise would not only be at Alpha location in Gwagwalada but the team will be visiting prisons.

Onuoha said the initiative was an opportunity to let the people know that beyond human doctors there is a doctor of doctors that created the entire human body and knows how best to put it in a good hand for you and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Through this we will let them to know that beyond us human doctors there is a doctor of doctors that created in fact the entire human body and knows how best to put it in a good hand for you, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

“We are going to be addressing their most common ailments in our environments; malaria, diabetes, hypertension, ulcers, and others.

“We diagnose and treat them, and also use the opportunity to introduce them to what is the only guarantee to perfect health which is divine health because majority of illnesses for the most fact are as a result is the transgression of the law of God that we humans is knowingly or unknowingly, and when we do not know Satan surreptitiously brings us into sin that brings the consequences of sickness, particularly, the chronic illnesses, and this is why we are here to treat the people.

“Our General Superintendent, (GS), the Convener of GCK, Pastor (Dr) William Kumuyi, so this vision to employ our profession, which has to do with the preservation of life, we bring this to the people in the process reveal to them that we as doctors, nurses, pharmacists of the medical profession, we can indeed treat the people but healing is the exclusive preserve of God Almighty.

“The provision we have will attend to thousands of patients, we are not attending only to people around the Alpha Location but we are also going to the prisons, where we will attend to the inmates and workers there also. This is to bring hope to those there.

“When we were in Wukari, Taraba State for GCK and the medical outreach, we attended to over 4000 patients, from there we went to Abia, which we attended to about 3,000 patients, and we went to the Cameroons last month attended to about 2,000 patients. The GCK Medical Mission is like a forerunner to the GCK, and when we come we bring the awareness of the GCK, we sensitize them, and we give them expectation on what they will receive form the GCK in addition to attending to their health needs.

“Before we get to each location we do a survey of the area, and the cholera is a nationwide epidemic, and we have bigger consignments for the treatment of gastroenteritis, particularly targeting cholera. We are prepared to attend to 5,000 patients in Gwagwalada for these five days”.

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