
Rivers Crisis : Ohanaeze youth calls for President Tinubu’s intervention

From Maurice Okafor, Enugu

The youth wing of Ohanaeze Ndigbo.has called on President Bola Tinubu to intervene in the Rivers state crisis,so as to avert further danger to human lives and public properties.

Ohanaeze Youth wing made the clarion call in a press statement signed by it,s National Publicity Secretary.Mazi Chika Adiele,made available to news men in Enugu on Thursday,June 27.

The press statement read in part,”Our attention has beem drawn to the looming anarchy and the intention to cause breach of peace in a bid to derailing the executive governor of Rivers state,His Excellency.Sir Simnalayi Fubara from delivering his people oriented projects.

“We are miffed by the audacity of the outgone chairmen and their agents to disrupt government activities in the local government headquarters across the state by barricading the entrance to those government facilities”.

The Igbo Youths pleaded that Governor Fubara should be giving the maximum cooperation by all the political stakeholders in the state to execute his people oriented project,instead of the prevailing unrest which in the state.

“Therefore,the Igbo Youths call on Mr President to wade into the brouhaha in a bid to disescalate the tension”.

Checks reveals that Rivers state has been experiencing political turmoil as the battle of titan over political control of the state rages between Governor Fubara and the FCT Minister.Nyesom Wike. who is a former governor of the state.

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