
Traffic violations: DRTS goes after rickety vehicles, motorcycles owners in FCT

By Daniel Tyokua

Directorate of Road Traffic Service (DRTS) Federal Capital Territory has moved against owners of rickety vehicles and motorcycles in playing roads in the Nation’s capital, Abuja.

Dr Abdulateef Bello, director of the service, while conducting journalists round the impounded vehicles on Wednesday, said 70 rickety vehicles and motorcycles have been dragged before a mobile court in Abuja, for alleged traffic violations.

“Today we have the mobile court in session to try some of the drivers of rickety vehicles that have committed a number of traffic violations in June.

“We have well over 70 rickety vehicles brought before the mobile court today and over 120 tricycles that have committed violations against their approved routes in the FCT.

“This we will continue to do until we get every motor vehicle and every operator to abide by FCT traffic rules and regulations.

“If found guilty the motorists will be fined. The idea is to use court to deter and to regulate,” he said.

Bello further said: “The motorists and tricyclists will be fined and they will be warned, but if a driver is a serial offender, we will look at other stiffer punishments aside from the fine.

“If the motorists don’t learn to obey our traffic rules, we will continue to impound, arrest and be made to face the mobile court.

“This is in continuation of our routine enforcement to rid the FCT of rickety vehicles and to equally get other traffic violators punished.”

He said that most of the vehicles impounded from January to June for various traffic offences did not get back on the road because of the nature of the rot.
He added that those that were fairly good paid fine as prescribed by the mobile court.

Mrs Deborah Osho, Head of Operations, said that the some of the impounded vehicles beside being rickety, do not have windscreen, and trafficator, while others to not have window screen among other things.

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