
The Lords Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries bids farewell to sorrow

Cyriacus Nnaji

Like they say, the spiritual controls the physical. There are of course a lot of things that are beyond human comprehension, but one’s believability has nothing to do with the reality of such phenomenon, believe it or not what is written is written.

February 8 and 9, 2025 marked special days in the lives of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries’ members and their guests. It was the two-day interdenominational programme titled “From Sorrow to Joy”

This year’s crusade which, as usual, took place at the Revival Ground, Ijesha, Lagos State, was special in so many ways: The blind saw, the deaf heard, the dumb spoke and the cripple walked. It was also special in the sense that the entire church in unison said bye bye to Sorrow.

Spirit of poverty, affliction, spirit husband, and wife were expelled; total freedom from the shackles the enemies from evil covens were thwarted, any evil power from the lineage, bloodline were all dealt with. Anything power which was holding them bound was loosened, thereby turning their sorrow to joy. Demons on assignments were crushed; spirits of untimely death were cast out, and anything causing sorrow, spirit of suicide was destroyed, shortness of breath, gone.

Pastor Lazarus Muoka, the General Overseer of The Lords Chosen told the congratulation that a book of remembrance would be opened in their name from that point.

Of course, he told them that their lives have changed for good, even as he told those that have been searching for visas to no avail to go and collect their Visas

He took his reading from the book of Esther 9:22 while speaking on the theme, From Sorrow to Joy. Pastor Muoka said many have gone through sorrow but today their sorrow would be turned to joy, many have also gone from hospital to hospital but it has been sent packing.

He also told them that part of reasons why man suffers is lack of knowledge, “But when you know your God you shall do exploits. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

He also told them that it is vital for them to also know the source of their freedom. “I congratulate you”, he said.

To stress the significance of the programme, Pastor Muoka said many worshippers attended the Crusade from different parts of the country and beyond because they realize the importance of freedom, adding that the bible says “call me in your days of trouble and I will deliver you, says the lord.”

He assured the congregation that after the crusade there would be celebrations in their families, “this programme is for you. As far as I have mentioned your case consider it done, there will be celebrations in your families. Today God is turning all sorrow into joy, you will see sorrow no more.”

The GO also gave examples of those whose sorrow were turned into Joy, reading from the book of Lamentation, 3:2 he said those who have tears in the bible and cried to God received freedom. Pastor Muoka said the name of Jabez meaning sorrow was tuned to joy, God turned his sorrow to joy.

He said “if you are bound in any prison of sorrow, it is opened today. You will fulfill your destiny because God is the alfa and omega.”

The crusade was marked by dumbfounding and amazing testimonies: A man was jailed 7 years outside the country but was released by the God of the chosen. There was the Miraculous healing of 17 years broken bones, the testifier also said he repented from smoking, womanizing, and alcoholism, among others.

Bro Chukwuemeka was delivered from peptic ulcer, a sister received healing on her partially paralysed body on the first day of the crusade. A sister testified how her family was transformed from poverty to millionaire status.

Among other startling testimonies include that of Julius Success who testified about his nephew who was kidnapped but came home unhurt.

With the number of worshipers that thronged the two day crusade ground and millions that connected via the cable and other social media handles, the 10 billion soul mandate of the church becomes incontrovertible.

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