
Vacation: Academy rolls out maiden summer tech swimmers’ coding, chess, others for school children

By July 2023, Rupetta Academy will unveil maiden summer Tech Swimmers Coding, Chess, and Swimming club, aimed at positively engaging school children in productive ventures.

This was disclosed in a statement by the Academy’s Chief Executive Officer Katmaan Senlong on Monday June 12, 2023.

She said those who will handle various sessions include highly skilled experts and renowned tutors from United Kingdom among others.

Part of the statement reads, “This club offers a unique blend of activities found in individual coding, chess, and swimming clubs, providing an exceptional opportunity for children to learn, interact, make friends, and make the most of their vacation.

“Led by a team of highly skilled experts, some of whom are renowned tutors from the UK, including Sally Gleave (Sportsperson – Martial Arts) and Cristobal Antonio Gutierrez (Khrisfitness), all top performers in their fields, the Rupetta Academy summer Tech Swimmers Coding, Chess, and Swimming club promises to be an enriching experience for children, fostering growth, learning, and enjoyment. Rupetta Academy aims to equip children with the skills necessary to thrive in today’s ever-evolving world of technology.

“The club’s objective is to empower children and introduce them to new skills in a fun and engaging manner while embracing the joy of learning.

“Each club activity brings a unique set of benefits that contribute to holistic growth and development. Coding, for example, enhances problem-solving abilities, creativity, and self-assurance, while swimming improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, coordination, and balance.

“Moreover, chess, a game renowned for enhancing critical thinking, memory, and self-discipline, encourages strategic thinking and forward planning. Children are challenged to anticipate various scenarios within the game, fostering a sharp intellect. By the end of the program, participants will have acquired a comprehensive skill set, preparing them for future academic and professional pursuits.”

The Academy CEO further stated that “The Rupetta Academy summer Tech Swimmers Coding, Chess and Swimming club not only offers exclusive learning experiences but also provides a platform for children to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, thereby teaching them confidence and unique networking skills.

“As summer break can often be a lonely period for children, joining our club ensures an enjoyable and enriching experience, fostering lasting friendships. Our carefully curated curriculum prioritizes the safety and well-being of every child, ensuring they have a memorable and active summer.”

She then appealed to parents to enrol their children in the programme designed to engage young minds during the long vacation period, adding, “Our team of experts guarantees the highest quality training, with top professionals leading each activity within our clubs.

“Our teaching methodology ensures that your child’s learning and development journey is enjoyable, allowing them to explore their interests and passions fully. Join Rupetta Academy and let your child be part of a future brimming with possibilities.”

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