
Murder of Enugu Nurse: Coalition to protest prolonged detention of suspects

From Maurice Okafor, Enugu

The Coalition of Civil Society Organisations(CSO’s) in Enugu state has tasked the state government to expedite action in the trial of actual killers of Late Mrs Maria Amadi, a staff of Federal Neurons chia trust hospital Enugu and release the initial suspects who were not implicated in her murder, as police investigations revealed.

In a press statement issued yesterday in Enugu, the CSO said they are giving the Enugu state government to release those not implicated in the murder, the police having investigated the confessional statements of three of the four suspects involved in the killing out of fifteen who have been in detention,
CSO lamented that some of the suspects are fellow staff of the deceased and has been !anguishing in detention for many months while the confessed suspects have been involved in series of armed robbery in Trans Ekulu axis of Enugu metropolis

The press statement signed by Comrade Igboke Onyebuchi reads: “We reiterate and express our dissatisfaction on the continuous detention of the three initial accused suspects on the murder of late Mrs Maria Amadj of Nero psychiatric hospital Enugu. Why we sympathise with the family of the deceased, we equally maintain our resolve to occupy the street till justice is done by the Enugu state government. The government should give the five million naira reward to the person who released information that led to the arrest of the actual culprits. ”

CSO asserted that the actual culprits who gave their names as Chidiebere Ochi,Uchenna Onuora and Amadi Ekwo thought that the late Mrs Maria Amadi was in possession of huge sum of money at that point in time so CE her husband is a registered money lender.

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