
Nigerian Army confirms 20 Boko Haram militants killed during operation

By Augustine Aminu, Abuja

Major General John Enenche, Coordinator Defence Media Operations Defence Headquarters said Troops of 130 Battalion with the support of Army Super Camp Baga, has killed twenty Boko Haram insurgents in an encounter at the north west of Baga.

Enenche in a statement said the criminals armed with mortars, rocket propelled grenades and small arms heading to attack villages surrounding Baga, when the troops attacked their convoy with overwhelming fire power killing 20 BHT/ISWAP criminals, captured six AK 47 Rifles, 520 rounds of 7.62mm special ammunition and five 36 hand grenades.

Furthermore, he also said nine of its gallant soldiers were wounded in action with no loss of life, adding that they have been evacuated to Sector 3 hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Army Staff commends the gallant troops for their professionalism and directs them to remain resolute towards eradicating the criminals from the North East.

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