
Federal High Court judge ignores COVID-19 protocols after testing positive

By Ameh Ejekwonyilo

The second most senior judge on the Federal High Court bench, Justice Binta Nyako, has “flagrantly defied the coronavirus pandemic safety guidelines that were put in place by Federal Government to stem the rampaging disease,” sources within the court say.

Recently, President Muhammadu Buhari, signed into law the coronavirus safety guidelines, with violators facing jail terms. 

A reliable source in the court who pleaded anonymity told the Authority that, “Justice Nyako had informed the Court management that she had contracted the coronavirus disease, and was consequently advised to self-isolate for proper treatment and recovery.

“However, it was shocking to see My Lord, Justice Nyako at the obsequies of Justice Ibrahim Watila of the Abeokuta Division of filing Federal High Court, which held at the Ukeje Hall in Abuja last week.” 

It would be recalled that the court on Thursday, January 28, 2021, organised a valedictory session to bid farewell to late Justice Watila, who passed away  after a brief illness.

According to one of the sources, Justice Nyako was seen at the function, which held at the Ukeje Hall of the Federal High Court headquarters in Abuja, hugging and exchanging banters with both her colleagues on the Bench and some senior officers of the judiciary. 

“The behaviour exhibited by Justice Nyako by flagrantly ignoring the COVID-19 safety guidelines, is quite shocking and unbecoming of a senior judicial officer. It’s baffling that she would mingle and pass the deadly virus to her colleagues and other dignitaries at the burial ceremonies of her colleague, when she could have simply stayed away in self-isolation in compliance with the Federal Government’s safety measures to contain the rampaging pandemic,” the source lamented.

Our correspondent gathered that two of her children tested positive to the disease and had already commenced treatment.

“I don’t know why an educated person of her status would be that wicked to grace a public gathering knowing the implications of such an action,” the source said.

A visit to Justice Nyako’s court at the headquarters of the Federal High Court in Abuja, on Wednesday, by our reporter showed that the court has been deserted for some days now. 

Our correspondent gathered that some clerical staffers who were seen outside talking in hushed tones, declined comments on the development, as they said, “we were not authorised to speak on the matter.”

The Information Officer of the court, Catherine Nwandu could not be reached for comments as her  mobile line was switched off at the time of filing this story.

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