
Elfrida Onuora: Embracing Spontaneity in Worship and Performance

Elfrida Onuora is a renowned Nigerian singer known for her spontaneous prophetic chants and identity worship. With a rich history of performances that have left audiences deeply moved, Elfrida’s music is characterized by its originality, energy, and deep spiritual connection.

Her journey, which began in her church choir, has taken her to various international stages, where she continues to spread the message of God’s love and unity.

In this interview, Elfrida shares her experiences, challenges, and insights from her musical career. From her most memorable performances to her advice for aspiring singers, Elfrida opens up about what it means to be a vessel of divine melodies and how she navigates the complexities of the music world.

What was your favourite performance to give?
Every performance is special, but my standout moment was at City FM’s “Praise in the City” events on December 26th, 2018, and 2020. The overwhelming response and acceptance from the crowd, along with sharing the stage with Minister Tope Alabi, Ada Ehi, Nathaniel Bassey, and Tim Godfrey, made these performances unforgettable.

What was the most difficult performance you ever gave?
My most challenging performance was at an international conference in 2011. I was informed just five minutes before I had to sing in front of a large audience. Initially, I was terrified, but after a few minutes of fidgeting, I managed to gather myself and delivered a beautiful, Spirit-led song.

What was the best audience reaction you ever received?
The best audience reactions are those moments when the atmosphere is so charged with the glory of God that people can’t leave. The presence of God envelops the venue, and there’s no need for preaching as the Spirit ministers directly to everyone present.

What types of music do you enjoy performing the most?
I love performing spontaneous prophetic chants, songs of affirmation, and call-and-response pieces. I identify with a style called identity worship, where we declare perfect union with God and each other through songs. My performances can be both calm and energetic, flowing at both levels.

What is your favourite song to perform?
I don’t have a favourite song as I am spontaneous. There’s always a new song for every performance.

What is your favourite venue to perform at?
My favourite venue is any place with a good sound system. I prefer enclosed venues over open-air ones.

What is the best part about being a singer?
The best part is the freedom to bring forth new psalms and spiritual songs at will, in every moment.

What is the worst part about being a singer?
The worst part is performing with instrumentalists who don’t understand my flow and aren’t willing to listen to my notes. It’s frustrating when teamwork is absent, as it’s much easier when everyone works together.

How long have you been performing?
I have been singing since 1999.
How did you get into singing?
I always had the gift and sang whenever I had the chance. Public performances began when I joined my church choir in 1999, encouraged by my pastor who recognized my talent.

What do you hope to achieve with your singing gift?
I hope to reach the world with the message of God’s love, showing people their oneness with God in Christ through divine sounds and melodies.

Do you have any pre-performance rituals?
Not really. My day-to-day life is my ritual. Living in constant awareness of my union with God is what I bring to every performance.

What do you think is the key to a successful performance?
Understanding and expressing yourself without restraint. Your true audience will connect with your sound, and that connection marks a successful performance.

How do you deal with nerves before a performance?
I remind myself of past successes, which helps me calm down and replicate those positive experiences.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a singer?
Learn and understand your unique flow. Be original, be confident, and love your sound. Invest in self-development, honor those who have paved the way, persist, be consistent, never give up, and trust God.

What do you think sets you apart from other singers like you?
My style is customized to my person, with a fragrance of originality unique to me. The charisma and energy that flow through my music distinguish me and make my performances uniquely memorable.

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