DHQ gives assurance of May 29 handover

Chuks Oyema-Aziken

The Defence Headquarters has that the May 29 handover date is sacrosanct, putting to rest threats of terror attacks during the transition period.

Director Defence Media Operations Maj.-Gen. Musa Danmadami while answering questions from journalists in Abuja said “there is no cause for alarm, everything is under control” during and after the transition of power.

The military high command also assured that it will work with the Nigerian police and intelligence community to nip all threats to national security in the bud.

He said: “As far as the internal security of the nation is concerned, the police is the lead agency. We are only providing assistance to civil authority and civil power. Just like the general elections came and gone and winners have been announced, transition of power will also come and go peacefully. People are just being apprehensive and situating situations that are not there.

“You will recall that there was a US travel advisory and up till now we are still waiting for the consequences. People have been predicting that the country is finished but nothing has happened up till now. Members of the armed forces like I will always tell you, we are not resting on our oars to ensure that peace and security is sustained in this country.

“I equally assure also that the intelligence community are working round the clock just as the Armed forces are working to ensure there is peace and tranquility. And I can assure you there are a lot of follow up operations going on round the clock. Every day people are being arrested. People who are on the verge of committing crime are being arrested, people who are moving weapons from one point to the other to go and commit crime are being arrested everyday as reflected in today’s briefing.

“So both the intelligence community and members of the armed forces are working round the clock to make sure we nip these things in the bud and if it happens, we respond to it appropriately. So people should not be afraid that when the present administration hands over there will be calamity all over the place. I can assure you that we are ready to address whatever security challenge that comes up. So people should go about their normal duties and forget about the unnecessary apprehensions that people are causing to put Nigerians on their head. No cause for alarm, everything is under control.”

The Defence spokesperson also assured Nigerians of adequate security during the Eid El Fitr celebration.

“Easter came and went and there was no problem. The same thing Salah will come and go definitely there will be no problem. There might be one or two isolated cases but it will definitely be addressed accordingly,” he said.

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