CNG knocks Senator Yaraduwa’s over comment on Kaduna bombing, calls for his recall

The Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) has lashed out at the comment credited to Senator Audu Yaraduwa
on the military drone bombing of civilian population in Kaduna.

The prominent northern group described the comment as one that lacked compassion, pity and empathy towards the bereaved community and consequently, called for his immediate recall from the Senate.

“The recent bomb attack in a Kaduna village has left the nation in shock and mourning after the loss of hundreds of innocent lives. During this difficult time, the Senator’s comments, which displayed a lack of compassion, pity, and empathy towards the bereaved community are insensitive, self-serving, and irresponsible,” CNG said in a statement by its national coordinator, Jamilu Aliyu Charanchi.

The statement obtained by newsmen at the weekend lamented alleged insensitivity and self-serving nature of Senator Yaraduwa’s comments in reportedly putting the blame on the bereaved community while absolving the military.

“Such remarks show a severe lack of compassion, pity, and empathy towards the affected families. At a time when the nation should unite in grief and provide comfort to the impacted families, Senator Yaraduwa’s statements have only deepened their pain and sorrow.

“It is expected that every leader in this period of mourning should show deep empathy, care and sensitivity towards the affected families. Rather than causing any more pain and anguish to the families, political leaders should unite and work together to prevent such attacks from happening again,” Charanchi said.

According to the CNG, the irresponsible remarks on the Kaduna killings by Senator Yaraduwa were driven by excessive greed for favours from the Senate leadership at the expense of the lives of innocent Northern lives.

The CNG called on voters to be vigilant in the future to guard against returning the likes of Yaraduwa who are unreliable, untrustworthy to any position of responsibility.

“By shifting blame onto the bereaved community, he not only disrespects their suffering, but also fails to acknowledge the magnitude of the tragedy.

“This insensitivity breaches the trust and confidence that the people of Katsina placed in him as their representative. It is imperative that elected officials demonstrate sensitivity and understanding, particularly in times of crisis.

CNG then called for Yaraduwa’s recall from the Senate saying while political leaders should use this period of national mourning to show leadership, compassion, and sympathy to their fellow citizens, Senator Yaraduwa’s comments have only served to deepen the wound of an already grieving nation.

CNG warned political leaders to remember that their words hold great weight and can have a significant impact on the morale of the nation.

“In times of tragedy, it is important for leaders to show empathy and compassion towards those who have been affected. This is not the time for blame or finger-pointing, but rather a time for unity and support.

“The people of Kaduna are in mourning, and it is imperative that they receive the support they need from their leaders. The call for Senator Yaraduwa’s recall from Senate is a clear indication that his comments were unacceptable and lacked the necessary sensitivity required at this time.

“The reputation of the Musa Yaraduwa family has long been associated with integrity, honor, and ethical conduct. However, recent events have brought to light a shocking betrayal of these values by one of its members, Yaraduwa. By descending so low as to lick the boots of the Chief of Army Staff to curry favors in the form of contracts and financial inducements, Yaraduwa has not only tarnished his own name but also betrayed the integrity of the reputable Musa Yaraduwa family.

“The actions of one member can have a significant impact on the reputation of an entire family, and in this case, Yaraduwa’s actions have brought disgrace upon the Musa Yaraduwa family.

“Yaraduwa’s actions have wider implications for society as a whole. Corruption and unethical practices erode the foundations of a just and fair society. When individuals in positions of power abuse their authority for personal gain, it undermines the trust citizens place in their leaders and institutions. Yaraduwa’s actions perpetuate a culture of corruption and nepotism, which hinders progress and development. By betraying the integrity of the Musa Yaraduwa family, Yaraduwa has also betrayed the trust of the people who looked up to the family as a symbol of honesty and integrity,” Charanchi said.

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