
Sanwo-Olu, Oba Akiolu commends CDS for improved security

By Chuks Oyema-Aziken

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu and the Oba of Lagos, Chief Rilwan Babatunde Akiolu on Monday commended the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa for his commitment towards improved security in the country.

Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, Director Defence Information, Defence Headquarters disclosed this in a press release on Tuesday.

He said the CDS received the commendations during his visit to Lagos State as part of his operational tour of military formations and to consult with critical stakeholders to seek solutions to the country’s insecurity.

While at the government house, the CDS applauded the state Governor for all he is doing to improve life in Lagos.

He said Lagos is critical to the nation’s economy and a true reflection of Nigeria. He thanked the governor for hosting prince Harry and wife, princess Meghan, while noting that, in consideration of the world attention to the visit of the royalty to Nigeria, it became imperative to invite the dua. He further commended the improved security in Lagos State and thanked Mr Sanwo-Olu for allocating about fifty hecters of land to the Nigeria Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, Oshodi, Lagos to improve agriculture.

“General Musa also seized the opportunity to brief the Lagos State governor on his intention to ensure capacity of members of the AFN by venturing into large scale agricultural practice, which he said it will certainly improve human life. He added that this is in line with his philosophy concept, which is people centred. He pledged that the AFN will remain fair and committed to all Nigerians.

“The CDS further seeks the Lagos State government support towards building the proposed Invictus Centre to cater for the recovery process of wounded, injured and traumatised serving military personnel and veterans. He thanked the governor for his remarkable achievements in Lagos.

“Responding during the visit, governor Sanwo-Olu commended the military for its steadfastness, saying ” we have witness a sharp decline in criminal attacks”. He thanked the CDS for working tirelessly for the good of Nigeria and Nigerians. He said the CDS leadership concept is also in line with the state philosophy. Governor Sanwo-Olu added that since the appointment of General Musa as the CDS, the nation has been experiencing peace and a commendable decline in criminal activities. He showed appreciation to all military formations and other security agencies in Lagos for their commitment to ensuring safety of lives and property. He promised to offer direct support to the military in the state when the need arises.

“Furthermore, the Lagos governor said security architecture is working in Lagos based on General Musa initiatives. He also congratulates the CDS’ noble idea of inviting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Nigeria, adding that it will boost mental Wellness of wounded soldiers. According to him, government will support the development and construction of the Invictus Centre in Nigeria.

“At the Oba of Lagos palace, the Chief of Defence Staff thanked the the traditional ruler for his constant supports to the Armed Forces of Nigeria. He assured the Oba of the AFN resolves to secure Lagos. The Oba appreciated the CDS for finding time to visit him. Oba Akiolu said the commitment of CDS towards achieving security in Nigeria shows that there is hope. He finally thanked members of the military and other security Agencies for making Lagos the most peaceful state in Nigeria.

“The CDS was also at military formations in Lagos for operational visit, where he charged personnel to redoubled efforts towards ridding the nation of insecurity.”

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