
Northern govs’ wives, NELFUND join forces to advance tertiary education 

By Felix Khanoba 

The Northern Governors Wives’ Forum (NGWF) and the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) have joined forces to advance tertiary education and skill development in the country.

Speaking at a meeting convened by NGWF at the Gombe State Government House and chaired by Dr. Asma’u Inuwa Yahaya, the First Lady of Gombe State, Mr. Mustapha Iyal, Executive Director of Operations, NELFUND, elucidated the agency’s mission to tackle poverty and promote educational and economic opportunities, particularly in regions grappling with high illiteracy and unemployment rates.

Attended by Northern governors’ spouses and  chairperson of the Nigeria Governor’s Spouses Forum, Professor Olufolake Abdulrazaq, the meeting aimed to explore avenues for collaboration in education and economic empowerment.

In the ensuing dialogue, participants voiced their enthusiasm and concerns, with Dr. Aisha Bala Mohammed, First Lady of Bauchi State, commending NELFUND’s initiative and sought avenues for synergies with her own educational endeavors. 

On her part, Hajiya Lami Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, First Lady of Adamawa State, emphasized the importance of retention strategies to ensure loan recipients remain enrolled.

Responding, Iyal assured participants at the meeting of NELFUND’s commitment to collaboration and community engagement to boost its programme effectiveness. 

He said the NELFUND’s partnership with the NGWF’s mission would go a long way toward uplifting Northern Nigeria’s educational and economic landscape, offering hope and opportunities to countless individuals.

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