
Achado condemns another attack by suspected herdsmen in Gwer-East

By Chiangi Avese, Makurdi

The House of Representatives Member for Gwer East/Gwer West Federal Constituency, Arc. (Dr.) Asema Achado,
has expressed deep concern over the repeated attacks on his constituents by suspected Fulani herdsmen, the most recent been on the people of Mbakera, Sough Council Ward in Gwer-East Local Government Area.

Suspected Fulani militia on Tuesday in an unprovoked attack on the Mbakera community, killed 3 persons, abducted 5 others and destroyed properties worth millions of naira.

Hon.Dr. Achado who lamented the violation of the Benue State Anti Open Grazing law and the tragic impact these attacks have had on the various Benue communities, called on the State Government to commence the full implementation of the law already in place in the State.

He emphasized that, “the government’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens and maintain order. The persistent attacks have caused immense suffering and hardship amongst Benue people”.

Dr. Achado then appealed to the Benue State Governor, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, to take decisive actions to enhance security of the state by enforcing the Anti-open Grazing Prohibition Law, stressing that this law is crucial to curbing the violence and ensuring the safety of the state’s farmers.

While sympathizing with the people of Mbakera particularly and Gwer-East Local Government Area on the unfortunate occurrence, Dr. Achado called on the people to remain peace-loving and law-abiding while awaiting a lasting resolution.

Hon. Dr. Achado further called for immediate deployment of security to the affected area by the State Government to halt more attacks.

Similar attacks last month on Mbamar community in Mbasombo kindred, in the same Gwer-East Local Government Area by suspected herdsmen killed 5 persons.

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