
NEF urges caution in Kano Emirate tussle, opposes erosion of traditional institutions

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has voiced significant concerns over the recent developments in Kano, where the proliferation of emirates and the dethronement of traditional rulers have sparked controversy.

The NEF warns that these actions exemplify the challenges faced by traditional rulers across the nation.

In a statement issued Thursday by Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, NEF’s Director of Publicity and Advocacy, the Forum highlighted the heightened public tensions due to the ongoing crisis in Kano’s emirate system.

“As responsible citizens, we urge the Kano state government and involved politicians to handle this delicate issue with caution to prevent further escalation of tensions,” the statement read. “It is essential for all parties to approach this matter with care and professionalism, considering the potential repercussions of their actions. Rash decisions and inflammatory remarks will only exacerbate the situation, threatening the state’s peace and stability.”

The NEF also called on the public to remain calm and law-abiding amid the crisis, emphasizing that violence and unrest would only deepen divisions and obstruct peaceful resolutions.

“In times of crisis, it is imperative to come together as a community, striving for common ground and mutual understanding to prioritize peace and harmony,” the Forum stressed.

The NEF lamented that Nigeria’s traditional institution has long faced weakening forces, particularly in Kano, where a power struggle has led to the creation of multiple emirates, undermining the traditional rulers’ authority and influence.

“The multiplication of emirates in Kano is a clear attempt to weaken the traditional institution and undermine the authority of traditional rulers,” the statement noted. “By creating multiple emirates, the power and influence of individual rulers are diluted, making them more susceptible to political control and manipulation.”

The arbitrary dethronement and replacement of high-ranking traditional rulers in Kano, the NEF argued, not only weaken their authority and legitimacy but also signal that their societal role is dispensable.

“This move threatens the unity and cohesion of the traditional structure and undermines the centuries-old customs, values, and traditions foundational to Nigerian society,” the Forum stated.

The NEF pointed to a broader issue of emasculating traditional rulers in Nigeria through various administrative mechanisms and reforms that have sidelined and disempowered them.

To address these challenges, the Forum called for re-empowering traditional rulers with statutory recognition, resources, and authority necessary to fulfill their duties effectively.

“Without empowerment and support, traditional rulers will continue to struggle to play a meaningful role in society, particularly in addressing pressing issues such as crime and drug abuse,” the NEF warned. “Their marginalization diminishes their governance capabilities and leaves them vulnerable to political interference and manipulation.”

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