
NAS sensitizes Abuja community on dangers of dumping refuse in waterways

The National Association of Seadogs (NAS) also known as Pyrates Confraternity has cautioned residents of Kubwa community in Abuja, against the dangers of dumping refuse in waterways, especially with impeding rainy season.

The Zuma Deck chapter of the Association raised the concern during a campaign to raise awareness and sensitize the residents of Shelter Farm community, Kubwa, on the hazards of dumping of refuse in waterways.

The campaign, which took place on May 18, 2024, began with a cleanup exercise in the waterway, followed by a sensitization program where fliers were distributed to community members.

A talk show was also held to educate the community on the dangers of dumping refuse in waterways, including frequent illnesses, flooding, and structural damage.

The talk show, anchored by members and the First Mate of the Zuma Deck, featured an interactive session where community members shared their concerns and challenges.

The First Mate Mr Emeka Ukatu emphasized the need to always keep the environment, especially the waterways clean in conformity with one of the goals of SDGs on clean water and sanitation which bothered on the environment.

During the interactive session, the community chairman raised concern on the need to address the dumping of refuse by local waste evacuators, also known as Baban Bola.

He said the local waste evacuators often dump refuse into canals at various areas not close to the areas inhabited by people.

In response to that, another Zuma Officer Barrister Charles Ndukwe advised that the community could set up machineries so that the local waste evacuators coming into the community can be known. Suggestions for ID Cards and jackets to be given to the local waste evacuators were also given.

The campaign culminated in the presentation of a centralized refuse bin to the host community, with a call to action to place such bins in various locations to encourage proper waste disposal.

Our correspondent reports that the Zuma Deck Project’s initiative aims to promote clean water and sanitation, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The campaign seeks to educate communities on the importance of keeping waterways clean and free from pollution.

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