
Shun blackmail, group advises Ohanaeze Ndigbo leadership 

From Everest EZIHE, Owerri 

 The Igbo Development and Culture Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, has advised the leadership of Ohanaeze Ndigbo  Worldwide under Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, not to be distracted by blackmailers but to remain focused, purposeful and visionary in his leadership.

Prof. Francis  Chukwukere, founder and leader of the group, gave the advise while on a solidarity visit to Iwuanyanwu in his Glass House Corporate Office Complex at Ugwu Orji, Owerri, Imo State.

Chukwukere who also enjoined him not to relent  in his services to God and humanity, stated that his leadership of Ohanaeze Ndigbo came at the right time when Ndigbo needed a strong personality with national and international influence.

He applauded the President General for his patriotism and doggedness in the promotion of Igbo welfare and enjoined him not to relent.

According to him, “for over three decades, you have ensured peace, growth, and progress in Ohanaeze Ndigbo and the entire Igbo nation. 

“You have held various strategic positions in Ohanaeze Ndigbo and have tremendously restructured the organization, making many Igbos proud of their heritage.”

 The group, comprising of personalities from various tertiary institutions in Nigeria,  further urged Chief Iwuanyanwu to ignore undue critics and focus on his mission, saying that some people who are envious of his achievements in life will always like to criticize him unjustly, even though majority of Igbos are happy with his selfless activities. 

Responding, Chief Iwuanyanwu commended the group for their surprise visit and solidarity, assuring them that his primary duty in life is to ensure the accelerated development, growth and transformation of Igboland and to uplift the welfare of Igbo people and their positions in Nigeria.

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