
NUJ warns Umahi against disrespecting journalists

By Daniel Tyokua

The Nigeria Union of Journalists Federal Capital Territory (NUJ-FCT) Council, has warned the Minister of Works, Dave Umahi over disrespecting of journalists in the Ministry.

Umahi had on Tuesday walked out on journalists invited by his ministry to cover his press briefing, describing them as ‘non existence’.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, jointly signed by chairman NUJ-FCT council, Comrade Osadebamwen Osaretin, and the secretary Ochiaka Ugwu, said the description of over 40 journalists present for an assignment, as “journalists are not present’ was very condescending to a press conference he had invited the media through the ministry’s Assistant Director Press, Mr. Clement Ezeorah.

It said Umahi owes a duty to Nigerians through the press, therefore, he should demonstrate respect and almost courtesy of not the media would be persuaded to boycott his activities.

According to the statement, the media has a constitutional role to hold government and its officials accountable to the Nigerian people, and no amount of intemperance from any government official will erode this sacred duty.

The statement read, “The Nigeria Union of Journalists Federal Capital Territory, NUJ-FCT Council, is appalled by the outright disregard of members of the fourth estate of the realm by the Minister of Works and Housing, Senator Dave Umahi.

“The description of over 40 journalists present for an assignment, as “journalists are not present” was very condescending to a press conference he had invited the media through the ministry’s Assistant Director Press, Mr. Clement Ezeorah.

“For the avoidance of doubt, some of the media Correspondents present for the press briefing for which the ministry’s invitation had scheduled for 2pm and for which the minister came at 2:48pm are those from The Punch, The AUTHORITY, Nigerian Tribune, The Vanguard, Leadership, Daily Independent, Peoples Daily, Armed Forces Radio, NTA, Arise Television, TVC, News Agency of Nigeria amongst others.

“Describing these and others as “media not present” leaves much to be desired.

“The minister owes a duty to Nigerians through the press, therefore, should demonstrate respect and utmost courtesy if not the media would be persuaded to boycott his activities.

“To treat members of the press with such condescension is unbecoming of a minister appointed to serve and not be an emperor.

“The last time was him trying to shout down the Arise TV Correspondent, Laila Johnson-Salami.

“The council urges President Bola Tinubu to call the minister to order as well as direct all his appointees to demonstrate the highest civility and courtesy to journalists and the media in general.

“It bears repeating that the media has a constitutional role to hold government and its officials accountable to the Nigerian people, and no amount of intemperance from any government official will erode this sacred duty”.

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