
Cormode Cancer Foundation launches Champions Club for secondary schools awareness 

By Chesa Chesa 

The Cormode Cancer Foundation has  launched the Cormode Cancer Champions Club, an initiative aimed at creating awareness in Nigerian secondary schools about cancer.

The programme also seeks government support to ensure its success and sustainability, says Dr. Denise Ejoh, a distinguished cancer survivor and the driving force behind the Cormode Cancer Foundation.

The launch at Model Secondary School in Maitama, Abuja, Dr. Ejoh emphasized the significance of this initiative thus: “As a survivor, I understand firsthand the importance of early education about cancer to remove the stigma surrounding it. By educating our children, we can foster a more informed and compassionate society.”

The Cormode Cancer Champions Club will offer comprehensive education on cancer, addressing the disease from its medical aspects to the social implications. A vital component of the curriculum is grief education, recognising that where cancer is present, there is often the potential for loss. Teaching students about grief will equip them with the skills to handle such experiences with sensitivity and resilience, she stated 

The programme was launched in partnership with Mrs. Noni Okocha, CEO of the “I Am the Future of Nigeria Youth Initiative”. Mrs. Okocha is the esteemed author of educational books tailored specifically for the Cormode Cancer Champions Club. 

“By providing our youth with the right knowledge and tools, we can empower them to become proactive health advocates and compassionate individuals in their communities,” Mrs. Okocha stated.

“We call upon the Nigerian government to support this initiative, recognising its potential to make a significant impact on the health and well-being of our youth. With governmental backing, the Cormode Cancer Champions Club can reach more schools and, ultimately, more students, fostering a generation that is knowledgeable about cancer and equipped to handle its challenges.

“The Cormode Cancer Champions Club welcomes students from all backgrounds to join in its mission. By uniting as champions in the fight against cancer, students have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those touched by the disease”, she added.

The Cormode Cancer Champions Club is a student-led organization dedicated to raising awareness about cancer, providing support to those affected by the disease, and empowering students to take action in their communities. 

Spearheaded by Dr. Denise Ejoh, of the Cormode Cancer Foundation in partnership with Mrs. Noni Okocha of “I Am the Future of Nigeria youth initiative,” the club aims to create cancer champions among the youth across Nigeria.

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