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World Blood Donor Day: Former President Buhari’s son donates blood, tasks young Nigerians to join

By Our Correspondent

The son of former President Muhammadu Buhari, Yusuf Buhari, few hours ago, donated blood with a call on young Nigerians to cultivate the habit of regular voluntary blood donation.

He donated the blood at the ceremony marking the 2024 World Blood Donor Day, in Abuja.

The gesture is aimed at inspiring young Nigerians to follow in his footsteps to voluntarily donate blood to save lives.

When asked about his motivation, Yusuf said: “It is my responsibility to help those in dire need of blood. This is part of being human and I am glad I am being human.”

Yusuf’s selfless act highlights the importance of blood donation, emphasizing that every pint counts in saving lives.

He, therefore, encouraged young Nigerians in all parts of the country to join the campaign to voluntarily donate blood, noting that many lives will be saved if all young persons in the country join in regular blood donation.

A terse statement by the Spokesperson of the National Blood Service Commission (NBSC), Abdullahi Haruna, noted that “this gesture is a shining example of the impact individuals can have on their communities.”

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