
Refugees Day: PSI calls for action to protect rights of IDPs, refugees in Nigeria

-Urges govt to ensure access to quality public services, jobs, and social protection for Refugees, IDPs

On the commemoration of the 2024 World Refugee Day, Public Services International (PSI) has urged the Nigerian government to take immediate actions to protect the rights of the estimated 3.3.million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 88,000 refugees in the country.

The global federation of workers in public sector in a statement to mark the global event, called for access to quality public services, jobs, livelihood, and social protection for the IDPs and Refugees in Nigeria.

The call comes as Nigeria joins the rest of the world to mark the World Refugee Day, which is commemorated annually on June 20 to honor the courage, strength, and resilience of refugees worldwide.

In Nigeria, around 3.3 million people are internally displaced, mostly because of conflict, climate change and violence. Nigeria is among the ten countries with the most significant number of IDPs globally.

Many of the refugees and IDPs lack access to quality public services and live in constant uncertainty, with no access to jobs, livelihood and social protection.

PSI said it stands in solidarity with all refugees around the world in defending their safety, dignity and human rights.

The trade union federation urged the government to ensure that refugees and IDPs have access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and shelter.

Refugees and IDPs are among the most vulnerable populations in Nigeria. Over the years PSI and other trade unions have led calls for collective actions to ensure their safety and dignity.

PSI General Secretary, Daniel Bertossa, in his statement on the World Refugee Day, stated that that trade unions have a critical role to play in defending refugee rights and democratic values across the world, including Nigeria.

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates that currently, 120 million people across the globe have been forcibly displaced by the tragedies of wars, ongoing conflicts and violence.

General Secretary Daniel Bertossa said:
“As the global voice of public service workers on the frontlines delivering health and care, emergency response, municipal services, utilities and other basic public essentials for the well-being of communities, we continue to uphold our role in building peace and defending democracy in the workplace, in our institutions and in our societies.

“Trade unions are amongst the biggest social movements in the world. We cannot let the far right and conservative forces trample on our democratic values by attacking the most vulnerable members of our societies. Quality public services that are accessible to everyone regardless of national origin, migration or other status make welcoming societies. PSI unions are standing up for refugee nghts. We defend human rights and access to quality public services for all. Together, we remain at the forefront of building democratic, peaceful and equitable societies.”

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