
PalmPay Educates Customers On How To Protect Their Accounts From Hackers

From John Silas

PalmPay has given it’s customers tips on how to protect their accounts from the atrocities of hackers who attack the accounts of their customers to steal their hard earned money.

According to an advisory posted by PalPay on its website, the company educated it’s customers on how to secure their accounts.

It maintained that in today’s digital age, securing one’s financial transactions and personal information is more important than ever.

It informed that according to the 2023 NIBSS Annual Fraud Landscape report, incidents of “Fraud loss via Internet Banking increased by 325% between 2022 and 2023, with Mobile, Web and POS being the most exploited channels by frausters in the country.”

According to the advice, “At TVt PalmPay, we prioritise the security of our users’ accounts, ensuring that your financial activities are safe and secure.

“But, we also require you to be informed on the right steps and actions to take to secure your account..”

Continuing, PalmPay listed eight crucial steps to help it’s customers secure their PalmPay accounts.

It stated: “Create Strong Passwords. Passwords should be complex, but easy to remember.

“To prevent your account from being hacked, use a complex password with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, for example GOdsent123@, and avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays, pet names, names for passwords and numbers that appear in chronological order.

“At the minimum, we advise you to change your password across all your online platforms every three months.

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