
Alumni association seeks N60 to rehabilitate school


The Global President of IMMAHACO, Mrs. Stella Akwari Ogburu, has called for support to drive the N60 million project aimed at rehabilitating their old school.

She made the call while inaugurating the newly elected executives of the alumni association.

While calling on the members to do their best in the drive to achieve the project, she admonished them to continue to grow the association and also carry all members along.

She expressed her happiness that the vision of having an alumni association is growing and has not died. 

She expressed gratitude for the support she has received from members since assuming office.

She prayed such support would continue until the end of the present executive’s tenure.

Her words, “Thank you all so much as I like to call you all my Lovelies. The congratulatory messages, prayers, calls and wishes have been overwhelming. I thank you all in attendance at this inauguration ceremony.  

“As you have welcomed me today and over the past four months since my election as president, so too, do I welcome all of you in a spirit of most humble gratitude. I am especially grateful to the past presidents of the association. 

“What an extreme pleasure and privilege it is to have all of you here today and to be introduced as your new President. I am indeed very grateful. Having said that, my sincere desires are that you all take this a step further, help us push our boundaries, lift us up when we are feeling down, like sisters would do. Be our backbone. Correct us in love when we make mistakes. I don’t have the right or perfect recipe, but I am willing and open to learning and TOGETHER we will keep fine tuning untill we get as near to perfection as we possibly can which reminds me of a great poem of a prominent American poet Robert Frost THE ROAD NOT TAKEN which purportedly ponders on the choices we make, or refuse to make, as we wade through the seas of life. 

“Life in itself is tough, managing women even tougher because of our peculiar nature. But we also know that women are the kindest, most beautiful and most resourceful beings, (especially my IMMAHACO SISTERS spot on, Gorgeous, Glamorous, Charmingly beautiful etc). Hence, the saying teach a woman how to fish, and everyone eats for a lifetime.

“Amongst us we have highly intelligent intellectuals, MDs, CEO, high networth individuals… name it, I appeal to all to allow us harness and leverage on your knowledge, time, financial and moral resources to help move our association forward. You are all part of our strength.

“Truly we have been appointed custodians of the association for a tenure of two years, during which we will make conscious effort to serve our members to the best of our abilities and in-turn we ask the members to find contentment in the road we choose to take.

“My fellow exco’s and I will heavily rely on each others strength, working as a team to serve you. Please give us your 100% support and continue to pray for us. I pledge my unalloyed dedication to our dear association, my past exco, present exco and you my lovely sisters. Faith brought us together. Your humble President.”

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