
Failure to appear for interview: PSC suspends promotion of 8 CPs, 11 DCPs

…Promotes 3 DIGs

By Hassan Zaggi

For failure to appear for promotion interview, the Police Service Commissioner (PSC) has suspended the promotion of 8 Commissioners of Police (CPs) to the rank of Assistant Inspectors General (DIGs) and 11 Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs) to the next rank of Commissioners (CPs).

The decision was taken  at the reconvened 18th Plenary Meeting of the Commission which held in Abuja and chaired by acting Chairman of the Commission, Justice Clara Bata Ogunbiyi.

While expressing shock over the failure of the affected officers to appear for the interview, the PSC in a statement signed by its Spokesman, Ikechukwu Ani, said it sent invitations to the officers to appear before it for the usual interaction to ascertain their suitability and capability for the new offices.

 The Commission wondered why the officers failed to  honour the invitation especially as the 2023 general elections are just days away.

The PSC also approved the appointment of three Assistant Inspectors General (AIGs) of Police to the rank of Deputy Inspectors General of Police (DIGs). 

The new DIGs, according to the PSC, are expected to fill the vacant duty posts created due to the retirements of three DIGs representing the North Central, North East and North West geopolitical zones.

 The approval of the appointments of the new DIGs has also ensured that the defined succession policy in the Nigeria Police is sustained.

The statement explained that the Force Secretary, AIG Hafiz Mohammed Inuwa, will be replacing retired DIG Mustapha Dan- Daura for the North West slot. DIG Dan- Daura retired on January 15 this year.

Also, AIG Aji Ali Janga from North East will replace DIG Zanna Mohammed Ibrahim who retired on November 26, 2022, while AIG Adeleke Adeyinka Bode of North Central will replace DIG Sanusi Lemu who retired on January 31, this year.

The PSC, however, approved the promotion of 10 Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACP) to the next rank of Deputy Commissioners (CPs); 17 Chief Superintendents of Police  (CSPs) to Assistant Commissioners (ACP) and 301 Superintendents of Police (SPs) to Chief Superintendents (CSPs).

The statement disclosed that 47  skipped DSPs from previous recommendations to the Commission were also promoted to Superintendents of Police while 665 Assistant Superintendents (ASP) of Police were promoted to Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs). 

The recommendations for ACP Nwamanna Nelson , SP Iliyas Casmir and SP Alheri Mamman were also endorsed and the Officers promoted to their next ranks after they were absolved of any Pending Disciplinary Matter (PDM).

The PSC acting Chairman, Justice Ogunbiyi charged the newly promoted Officers to give their best to the service of their nation especially now that Nigeria will be going to the polls to elect new leaders.

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